Sunday, August 30, 2009

this week

wow this week felt like forever!
ive never done so many notes in a class like ive done in this class
but i as i find these notes tiring i also find them some what interesting.
so far iv learned a couple things i didnt know.
but i didnt get a little starstruck by the dead kid that they beleived it was a saint
yeah pretty nuts.
oh and thank god we're finally done with the i dont know many slides
thats a releif, but im pretty sure ingram got more damn slides jeeze!

1 comment:

  1. Jelly--you have NO IDEA how many MORE slides you will be seeing this semester!!! Hundreds!! :)

    Watch your spelling and sentence structure and capitalization--you know how to do this stuff, you weren't gone THAT long! :)


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