Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Project!

I find this project somewhat hard. I feel like the paper will be the hardest part. The powerpoint seems okay because I feel like I can be creative. I hope that this project doesn't bring my grade down. Does anyone feel the same way? I started researching some information about my vilian, but writing the paper might be the hardest part.
I hope we all do well in this project!


  1. Hope so too! If you need any help, let me know and I'll try to help ya! :)

  2. Jackie--you have Heinrich Himmler, so you will probably find more information than you need. :) Do your research and write the paper--it should be okay. I look forward to seeing your powerpoint--you want to be creative! :)

  3. YES, I agree with you Jackie just by hearing the word paper thats scary, but I guess we will do just fine.


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