Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hey guys!
So today was definetely one of the more difficult classes we've had so far. I read the packet but the quiz was harder than I expected. It is also interesting to hear why the Christians called the Jews Christ-killers when really that makes no sense; because if we're going to get technincal, it was the Romans who killed him. I think this proves the point that people will dig for anything they can find to use against a certain group that they are already not so fond of. Ms. Ingram's lecture was really interesting but I have to admit it was getting kind of hard to hear and a little upsetting but this is only the beginning so I know this won't even be the half of it. But I'm excited to delve further into all of the details and hopefully have some discussions...see ya all tomorrow!!


  1. I have to disagree with you when you say that the Romans kill Jesus it was the Jews that handed him over to the Romans it was more of a 50/50 thing you just cant put it on one groupe of people it is something that both sides was for. But i do believe that the Jews didnt think that the Romans was going to take it that fare.

  2. You are right, Erika. This is only the beginning of some very disturbing material. If you need to talk about it, let me know.


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