Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Girls Thoughts

The class today was good over all I am so ready for the class to get deeper in the class. Any who today's class really had me think a lot about religion . It opened my eyes to something new something that i didn't know anything about . I thought the Holocaust just started because the Nazi didn't like the Jews but it was something so much deeper then that . It was something that they held against the Jews way back in Jesus time which was a very long time ago. To me this shows a number of things about the Nazi it show they cant let anything go and forgive and that they did not learn much about Jesus because he was all for forgiveness no matter what it was .My point of view of the Nazi is they really don't have a heart because the things they did was very mean . And that's my thoughts about today's class new girls leaving the building.

1 comment:

  1. Nice points. But remember the Nazis don't go that far back, only the 1920s--it's not that they hated Jews from way back, they just took up the mantle of the greatest haters of Jews during the time period we are studying.


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