Sunday, August 30, 2009

My hand is finally healing from last weeks notes:) Something i want to know is why was the Holocaust allowed then and why wouldnt it be allowed now. Thats something that confuses me.
I did know that the Holocaust was a really horrifying experience but I was looking through our book Smoke And Ashes and there were some pictures that really did disturb me and they stood with me the whole entire weekend. For example there was this one picture of this guy that won a skin head tatoo contest and one of his tatoos was of Hitler on his back. ugh I hated that

1 comment:

  1. Mireya--you will be seeing a lot of stuff that will be disturbing. Wish we could learn about the Holocaust without the images, but then again without the images, this wouldn't be such a memorable topic. As to your question about the Holocaust not happening now--perhaps not the Holocaust per se, but there have been acts of genocide in Africa (Rwanda, the Hutus and Tutsis) and in Eastern Europe (the breakup of the former Yugoslavia) since the Holocaust. Perhaps mankind hasn't yet learned its lesson. Good thoughts! :)


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