Friday, August 28, 2009

Good Afternoon Ms. Ingrams Holocaust class!!!!!

OH WOW!!!! Yesterday, in Holocaust the video we watched was unbelievable. How could those people treat the Jews as if they were not human? It's one thing for people to accuse the Jews for stealing and what not, but for the Christians whom are suppose to be holy of all holy to accuse the Jews of not only killing but to kill and eat Christian Childern. I can't just blame this all on the Christians because it wasn't all Christians who partook in this ridiculous act it was Lutherans as well. The Lutherans were friends with the Jews but for one reason and one reason only, the Lutherans (Martin Luther) wanted the Jews to convert to Lutheranism, and the Jews turned them down because they were happy with their Religion, and the Lutherans didn't like that so just like the Christians they began to hate the Jews as well. Poor Jews! HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO MEAN!!!!

Yours Truly Ashley.L.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley--the Jews were not accused of actually eating the Christian babies--only of killing them and using their blood.


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