Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yesterday was a great day. Mostly because we hardly took notes. The documentary was interesting for the most part. Execpt, I didn't really like it when the people talked. Those parts bored me. The people had an accent, which made it somewhat difficult to understand. I was really bored when Hitler ordered the Nazi members to burn all the Jewish Bibles and other Jewish books.


  1. Rocio, I wonder what you mean by boring? I don't really understand how watching the part where the Nazis were burning all of the books could be boring. I feel like it's highly disturbing, and could see why it would be difficult to express your exact feelings around that. I personally just find it extremely heartbreaking to ruin any kind of book, let alone texts written by Jews, who've contiributed so much to literature and science, etc.

  2. Jewish "Bible" is the Talmud or the Torah. :)


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