Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today's class was good. The vocabulary was pretty long, but easy. Chapter 2 reading really disturbed me. The popular children's game "Get the Jews Out" was just absurd. I'm surprised they even made a game out of that. That's just ridiculous. The Kristallnacht, "The Crystal Night", really upset me. It's crazy how one Jew ruins it for all the Jews. Just because one Jew tried to stand up for themselve, doesn't mean they have to burn down houses, shops, and synogogues. That night just went over board. The Nuremberg Laws were also over the top. It's preposterous that non-Jews or related blood can't have any type of relationship with a Jew. The citizenship part was riduiculous. But telling someone who they can't be with is too much. Burning 70,000 tons of books is unbelievable. All those books burned were made by a Jew or Jews.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's class. This is the interesting things I wanted to get to.

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