Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I could've sworn I posted on here last night but now that I think about it I was talking about this class on my computer class blog. Anyway, this week has been interesting, in a good way. I'm glad to be moving on from WWI. It has been difficult looking through the book though because the pictures in it make me cry. The other thing that has really struck me is the things that are in the book talking about the horrible things Martin Luther said about the Jews. I know we spoke about this brifely in class, and how Martin Luther's comments were more abstract than the comments that came later by the skinheads right before the Holocaust. But they those words were still INCREDIBLY hurtful. I'm not saying what those things are because I think everyone knows(if not it's like on the 1st page). But they feel like a personal attack and the pictures, even though they are old, make it feel like it is happening right now because they are all so raw and heartbreaking. On a better note, all of the presentations have been really good and I can't wait to go and do mine.

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