Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh, I thought of a comment! I really wish we could get done with World War I. I mean I get that it's important to understanding the Holocaust but I don't know if I feel that we have to go through every detail of that war. We learned this with Ms. Jamieson already! No offense Ms. Ingram! I just really want to move on to more interesting material because I've never found WWI to be interesting in the least. It just bores me. Maybe that's bad but oh well. But I really appreciate the fact that Ms. Ingram bought that Powerpoint for us to learn about it, I think that was sweet, even if she doesn't want to admit to being sweet! lol. Oh and Friday when we watched that video and all of the Israelis were singing welcoming the Russians to Israel, I could NOT get the song out of my head the entire day! Which was fine because it's a cute song (Siman Tov) so I sang it to my friends at lunch. That was fun :)

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