Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to the Blog!!!

I am hoping that each and every one of you will share your thoughts, insights, questions and musings! This blog is a place for you to discuss the week's goings on as well as your thoughts/feelings about the topics we discuss in class. You can also share information about the novels we read and the papers/presentations you will be doing.

I am asking you to post at least 3 blogs by every Monday for the previous week. These entries need to be at least one paragraph (4-6 sentences) in length and should be written using standard English/grammar. Students are also encouraged to comment on each other's entries--keep the comments relevant and do not demean each other. More than 3 blogs per week will earn you extra credit--as will meaningful/relevant comments on each other's blogs! :)

I will also post weekly--please feel free to comment on my entries as well! :)

I look forward to lots of interesting and informative interaction on this blog!!!!

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