Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today's class was the most interesting yet...I find myself saying that a lot lol. I was really excited to get to see part of the documentary, although I really wish we could watch it all. The part where they said that Christians made up a story about Jews killing a Christian baby to use the blood in order to make their matzah was particularly hurtful. First of all, I think that is complete nonsense and I don't believe that it happened. Central to Jewish Law, is the mitzvah (commandment/deed) to keep kosher. There are certain rules that qualify food as kosher or non-kosher and one of the biggest ones is that ALL BLOOD MUST BE COMPLETELY DRAINED FROM THE FOOD ITEM which would make the food completely un-kosher and therefore, not something an observant Jew could eat. Also, I find it hard to accept the fact that ONE Christian baby was canonized in the church and made a saint because he was "supposedly killed by Jews". This is not to say the babies life was not worth anything because no life is indispensible, but in accordance to that, what about the SIX MILLION Jews that were killed by the Nazis? And of course this hadn't happened yet but still in the video they showed these fervent christian BAWLING for the baby. And the fact that they put a picture of the "baby killing" scene on the cieling of a European church, which was where these people where crying, is outrageous because it will just continue to poison people's minds and perpetuate the problem. I think that some people can be so ridiculous and I just don't understand their mindset at all because every Jew I know is so nice and caring that it is sometimes unbelievable.

1 comment:

  1. Very strong opinions! :) Good. Thanks for the lesson on kosher and what it means--I don't spend much, if any time on that, so it's great you are educating your classmates. Very nice vocabulary, too. Just watch your spelling! :)


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