Monday, August 31, 2009
I loved today's notes because there was not that much writing involved:) For the most part I think the documentary we're watching is interesting except when someone in the movie is talking and they have a really thick accent. Makes it really hard for me to stay focused because I cant understand them. Something i couldn't even believe was allowed was when the bible Jews used were burned and everything written by Jews. It was also disturbing how when Hitler would make some type of appearance people would praise him like some type of god. I didn't think someone so evil could be that well liked and respected.
The Hatred Movie
I was so outraged by the art I saw today. The picture of a Devil Jew forcing a Christian to eat feces?! that's horrific! I am apauled by the Christian religion. I feel ashamed and embarrassed to have European blood runningbthriugh my veins.
The person I am doing my paper is Klaus Barbie. He was a very bad man when he was in the security service. It was terrible what he did to some of the prison girls. How he beat the girls and tortured them. When I read about how Barbie used to tell them to strip of their clothes and put them in the tub with their feet chained and pull them underwater drowning them a little it, made me kind of mad. I wonder why it took them so long to convict Barbie and why they couldn't put him in jail sooner.
Class was good today we finished watching that movie. to be honest was kind of boring at first but i actually learned how the jews were eating other peoples blood. I also learned that the jews were the blame for everything. Then we started our power point presentation on the world war. we learned how there were two sides. There were the allies and teh central powers. I also learned that at the beginning of all this teh united states were still not involved. The united states came a little later. I am getting my ghetto diary book today by the way.
These Last Few
Hey ladies!
These last few entries have some good points, but seem to be a bit rushed, especially those done right before 8am Monday morning!! Try to do these as the week progresses so you can put more thought into them.
These last few entries have some good points, but seem to be a bit rushed, especially those done right before 8am Monday morning!! Try to do these as the week progresses so you can put more thought into them.
Okayy Ms.ingram this is my lat one.
I hope I'm not late to class.
I don't really know what else to write but I'm trying my best here.
Class is fun but there are lots of notes.
ummm..let's see what's in store for today.
I hope I'm not late to class.
I don't really know what else to write but I'm trying my best here.
Class is fun but there are lots of notes.
ummm..let's see what's in store for today.
Until next time
The German took it fare when it came to the Jews they accused them of killing the Christians and eating there body. They was finding any way possible to have something against them . They had to do anything in there power to have there people to have a reason to hate the Jews . They made all kinds of lies so that they can have as many people on there side and believe it or not it really work.
Oh wow!!!
Holocaust, has been getting really interesting. although my hands have been hurting from writing so much,but i really don't like the fact that the Jews are being treated so badly i believe that no one should be treated as bad as they have been. everyone has their down falls, but i don't think that they should be killed for their wrong doings i don't think that they should be beaten or anything of that matter i just feel that they should be punished not in a cruel way but still for them to be treated in respect despite all of the things that the christians said they did.
In Holocaust, we are learning so much. The Jews are treated so badly how can people do such bad thing. The Christians are so wrong for doing this to the Jews. For the Christians to be God like creatures they don't behave let him at all. The Jews were being accused for so many things like killing, and for them to be called "Christ Killers" because the Christians believed that the Jews wee the ones who killed Christ they just assumed that it was the Jews so they decided to hate the Jews and make other religions hate the Jews as well.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I thought that it was bad that the Jews retaliated in killing christians. I think Martin Luther was very mean when he tried to use the Jews to promote his rules of christian religion. Also it was wrong for the christians to try and blame the jews for the black plague that was actually caused by rats and fleas. I thought it was wrong for the Germans to try and make the Jews not be one of then. I think they went way to far when they tried not to consider jews as the same race.
My hands are still kind of sore from all that writing we did. I have never wrote that many notes in my life. Even though we wrote so many notes I can't believe how much i've learned just writing it down. For instance, I think the Holocaust could have turned out different if the christians would have just accepted that there will be people who have different religions and believe in certain things.
I am really enjoying Holocuast class right now. I especially liked the class on friday because of the movie about the jews. I think it was really sad how the jews were treated. I think watching that movie made me see how lucky we have it now. The reason i think this is because how what ever religion we choose we dont really have to go through what the jews had to go through.
Some REALLY Wonderful Blogs Entries!
Good evening Ladies!
I have just finished reading and commenting on your blogs to this point. I have to say I am impressed with your insights--particularly about our discussion of the Romans and the crucifixion of Jesus as well as your thoughts on the unfairness of the treatment the Jews have received throughout history.
I am so pleased with what I have read to this point. I wasn't sure how this would work, but it seems to be working well. Some of you even commented on each other's entries--great thoughts and even offers of assistance. Way to go class!!!! Keep it up!!!
Many of you mentioned the notes--I wish I could tell you it will be get better...but you will be writing notes ALL semester. I'll apologize now!!! :)
Some of you have not yet even introduced yourselves--I hope you do before tomorrow's class--otherwise that assignment is a 0. Several of you still haven't even posted 1 blog entry. Tsk Tsk Tsk!!!!! Don't be late on the assignment--you know what that means!!!! And the mini progress reports come out Friday!
We will finish up the dvd tomorrow and then jump into World War I. Hope everyone get some rest over the weekend--because I AM gonna work you this week!!!! :)
I have just finished reading and commenting on your blogs to this point. I have to say I am impressed with your insights--particularly about our discussion of the Romans and the crucifixion of Jesus as well as your thoughts on the unfairness of the treatment the Jews have received throughout history.
I am so pleased with what I have read to this point. I wasn't sure how this would work, but it seems to be working well. Some of you even commented on each other's entries--great thoughts and even offers of assistance. Way to go class!!!! Keep it up!!!
Many of you mentioned the notes--I wish I could tell you it will be get better...but you will be writing notes ALL semester. I'll apologize now!!! :)
Some of you have not yet even introduced yourselves--I hope you do before tomorrow's class--otherwise that assignment is a 0. Several of you still haven't even posted 1 blog entry. Tsk Tsk Tsk!!!!! Don't be late on the assignment--you know what that means!!!! And the mini progress reports come out Friday!
We will finish up the dvd tomorrow and then jump into World War I. Hope everyone get some rest over the weekend--because I AM gonna work you this week!!!! :)
Okay I briefly researched my topic for the project. I learned that the Yad Vashem isin't really a person its more like a memorial for people who will be remembered from the Holocaust. Since its not a person i hope it wont be too difficult to reasearch. Well im excited to learn more about Yad Vashem beacuse i've NEVER heard about it before.
My hand is finally healing from last weeks notes:) Something i want to know is why was the Holocaust allowed then and why wouldnt it be allowed now. Thats something that confuses me.
I did know that the Holocaust was a really horrifying experience but I was looking through our book Smoke And Ashes and there were some pictures that really did disturb me and they stood with me the whole entire weekend. For example there was this one picture of this guy that won a skin head tatoo contest and one of his tatoos was of Hitler on his back. ugh I hated that
I did know that the Holocaust was a really horrifying experience but I was looking through our book Smoke And Ashes and there were some pictures that really did disturb me and they stood with me the whole entire weekend. For example there was this one picture of this guy that won a skin head tatoo contest and one of his tatoos was of Hitler on his back. ugh I hated that
Hi. Well last week's class was pretty good. I learned a lot when i watched the video, but it was kind of boring. Sorry to admit it Ingram. I'm happy we finally finished the background of the Holocaust powerpoint. My hands don't hurt anymore. I'm ready for tomorrow's class. =)... I really don't have much to say anymore. I'm just looking forward to tomorrow's class.
Ingram oh dear.
That movie on Friday [I think] was fascinating.
The way the church views Jewish people is quite concerning.
The way we're taught to live is by loving our neighbor no matter what, but I guess there was an exception to the Jewish community. [hmmmm think think]
Well ttyl Ingram and class. =]
That movie on Friday [I think] was fascinating.
The way the church views Jewish people is quite concerning.
The way we're taught to live is by loving our neighbor no matter what, but I guess there was an exception to the Jewish community. [hmmmm think think]
Well ttyl Ingram and class. =]
about this class.
Well for starters I have a couple of complaints.
This project is going to be super extra long but at least I know something about my person. =]
Ingram my favorite teacher you have to shorten your notes just a bit.please
Besides that I enjoy your class.! =]
It's interesting how anti-Semitism began. I'm looking forward to the rest of the classs.
This project is going to be super extra long but at least I know something about my person. =]
Ingram my favorite teacher you have to shorten your notes just a bit.please
Besides that I enjoy your class.! =]
It's interesting how anti-Semitism began. I'm looking forward to the rest of the classs.
last blog
well ingram i finally completed all my blogging
i seriously dont know what else to write about please dont kill me
well im glad i got to do my project on a villain, because they seem more interesting,
well in my opinion.
i seriously dont know what else to write about please dont kill me
well im glad i got to do my project on a villain, because they seem more interesting,
well in my opinion.
upcoming project
are you serious!!
a project already!? when ingram told us what the project was about i was just like ughhh no!
im not really a big fan of projects like this, especially when we have to present it to the whole damn classs so yeah im not really excited about it , but owell hopefully it doesnt turn out to be so bad.
a project already!? when ingram told us what the project was about i was just like ughhh no!
im not really a big fan of projects like this, especially when we have to present it to the whole damn classs so yeah im not really excited about it , but owell hopefully it doesnt turn out to be so bad.
About thursdays class.
Thursdays class felt extremely long because of the notes we have been taking. But overall im into the class i like that were gonna be talking more deeply about the holocaust and what exactly happened in it.
MS.INGRAM!! your notes are really really long =/
MS.INGRAM!! your notes are really really long =/
this week
wow this week felt like forever!
ive never done so many notes in a class like ive done in this class
but i as i find these notes tiring i also find them some what interesting.
so far iv learned a couple things i didnt know.
but i didnt get a little starstruck by the dead kid that they beleived it was a saint
yeah pretty nuts.
oh and thank god we're finally done with the i dont know many slides
thats a releif, but im pretty sure ingram got more damn slides jeeze!
ive never done so many notes in a class like ive done in this class
but i as i find these notes tiring i also find them some what interesting.
so far iv learned a couple things i didnt know.
but i didnt get a little starstruck by the dead kid that they beleived it was a saint
yeah pretty nuts.
oh and thank god we're finally done with the i dont know many slides
thats a releif, but im pretty sure ingram got more damn slides jeeze!
Our Project!
I find this project somewhat hard. I feel like the paper will be the hardest part. The powerpoint seems okay because I feel like I can be creative. I hope that this project doesn't bring my grade down. Does anyone feel the same way? I started researching some information about my vilian, but writing the paper might be the hardest part.
I hope we all do well in this project!
I hope we all do well in this project!
I like how we take notes. I feel like I understand the notes as Ms. Ingram explains them. it seems like the Jews were descriminated way before Hitler. Many people never gave the Jews a chance to explain what they believe. In my opinion, they should be given a chance to sit down and explain how they really feel. I don't like the fact that many people discriminate the Jews and never give them a chance to show who they really are.
I guess many other people don't feel the same way.
I guess many other people don't feel the same way.
Hi my name Alma and I'm excited to be in Holocaust class with Ingram as my teacher. What i want to learn is more about Hitler and why he picked the Jewish people the most. The only thing that i don't like about that class is that we're going to do a lot of projects. Any way I'm so excited to learn more and interesting facts about Hitler.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Holocaust ♥
Is a respecful and meaningful word for those people that survive the tradegy.
I am glad as the time pass we still been taugh. Those day are never going to be forgoten.
What else can I say about this class? One thing for sure I want to get over it fast and pass it.
Is a respecful and meaningful word for those people that survive the tradegy.
I am glad as the time pass we still been taugh. Those day are never going to be forgoten.
What else can I say about this class? One thing for sure I want to get over it fast and pass it.
OH MY GOD! The week is over Aug 24 thru Aug 27 it was a week taking a lot of notes. It has been the first class ever that each day we take notes and a lot(Hands get tired). The good thing I keep it up. Barely starting the year and with projects and a lot of homework. Thats hard, this year is going to be challenging.
Aug 24 and 25 wat happen
By reading "Background Information for the Time Period" made me think about World History class and my weird dreams. Also, the information that contain was so amazing that I got into the reading. I was scared for the test that we were going to take because I was like how about if they ask us tricky questions. Over all the quiz wasn't that hard the reading had all the answer to the five questions. When I got the test I was like I read this, I know this but, I bet I answer all the questions wrong. I was so nervous that I totally forgot.
THIS week i learned that the jews were blamed for everything. In my opinion i think it was wrong that they were being blamed for everything. We got our hero or villain project. It seems like we will need to spend alot of time on the computer gatering information up.
cant wait till next weeks class we will be talking about world war. That will be very intresting and am excited to hear about that class
cant wait till next weeks class we will be talking about world war. That will be very intresting and am excited to hear about that class
YES....WE finished the first set of power point notes that was a very long one.
Pretty short week and it was a good one as well i read both sets of hand outs that were given to us. I learned that there is a lot of dates that are very inportant on the chronology worksheet we got. to may vocabulary words to learn but i read teh vocab worksheet it was pretty long and some strange words by the way.. looking forward to next weeks class
Pretty short week and it was a good one as well i read both sets of hand outs that were given to us. I learned that there is a lot of dates that are very inportant on the chronology worksheet we got. to may vocabulary words to learn but i read teh vocab worksheet it was pretty long and some strange words by the way.. looking forward to next weeks class
I would have to say that we really did a lot of writing. But i really leaned a lot.Event though the Jews was a very small place they still was one of the wealthy groups that lived in Europe . Even though the Germans didn't like them as much they came to them to borrow money which was a very good idea for Jews because it was a good way to double there money. But i would have to say that really didn't last that long for them because the German didn't want to pay them back so the ran them away . O so BOGUS on the German that was just getting an easy way out of paying there bills . So unfair!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
ello fellow Holocaust classmates and Ms. Ingram! =D
well im finally blogging!...because ingram pulled me and other classmates aside so i had to jk i was going to anyway.
wow im barely doing my intro!
starting with the basic, my name is Nallely,but better known as Jelly. glad to be back at tepeyac, got to say that public school sucked well inn my opinion.
im a senior, but it doesnt really feel like it but ill get use to it im an outgoing chick.
i tend to sleep in class but, i dont think thats going to be the case in this class because im actually excited about it. I like the whole learning about how this whole Holocaust thing came about. It sounds weird to be saying this because i usually dont get excited about a class. But anywho,hopefully this class turns out to be a good one.
well im finally blogging!...because ingram pulled me and other classmates aside so i had to jk i was going to anyway.
wow im barely doing my intro!
starting with the basic, my name is Nallely,but better known as Jelly. glad to be back at tepeyac, got to say that public school sucked well inn my opinion.
im a senior, but it doesnt really feel like it but ill get use to it im an outgoing chick.
i tend to sleep in class but, i dont think thats going to be the case in this class because im actually excited about it. I like the whole learning about how this whole Holocaust thing came about. It sounds weird to be saying this because i usually dont get excited about a class. But anywho,hopefully this class turns out to be a good one.
Good Afternoon Ms. Ingrams Holocaust class!!!!!
OH WOW!!!! Yesterday, in Holocaust the video we watched was unbelievable. How could those people treat the Jews as if they were not human? It's one thing for people to accuse the Jews for stealing and what not, but for the Christians whom are suppose to be holy of all holy to accuse the Jews of not only killing but to kill and eat Christian Childern. I can't just blame this all on the Christians because it wasn't all Christians who partook in this ridiculous act it was Lutherans as well. The Lutherans were friends with the Jews but for one reason and one reason only, the Lutherans (Martin Luther) wanted the Jews to convert to Lutheranism, and the Jews turned them down because they were happy with their Religion, and the Lutherans didn't like that so just like the Christians they began to hate the Jews as well. Poor Jews! HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO MEAN!!!!
Yours Truly Ashley.L.
Yours Truly Ashley.L.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Today's class was the most interesting yet...I find myself saying that a lot lol. I was really excited to get to see part of the documentary, although I really wish we could watch it all. The part where they said that Christians made up a story about Jews killing a Christian baby to use the blood in order to make their matzah was particularly hurtful. First of all, I think that is complete nonsense and I don't believe that it happened. Central to Jewish Law, is the mitzvah (commandment/deed) to keep kosher. There are certain rules that qualify food as kosher or non-kosher and one of the biggest ones is that ALL BLOOD MUST BE COMPLETELY DRAINED FROM THE FOOD ITEM which would make the food completely un-kosher and therefore, not something an observant Jew could eat. Also, I find it hard to accept the fact that ONE Christian baby was canonized in the church and made a saint because he was "supposedly killed by Jews". This is not to say the babies life was not worth anything because no life is indispensible, but in accordance to that, what about the SIX MILLION Jews that were killed by the Nazis? And of course this hadn't happened yet but still in the video they showed these fervent christian BAWLING for the baby. And the fact that they put a picture of the "baby killing" scene on the cieling of a European church, which was where these people where crying, is outrageous because it will just continue to poison people's minds and perpetuate the problem. I think that some people can be so ridiculous and I just don't understand their mindset at all because every Jew I know is so nice and caring that it is sometimes unbelievable.
Thursday 8/27/09
Ohh...myy...goshh! I don't think I have ever written notes so fast in my life. The video we watched today was kind of hurtful because as Christians you are supposed to love your neighbor but yet Christians hated Jews. It was unbelievable what was said by the anti-Semites said about the synogogue. The whole children eater thing was the absolute most absurd theory, claim, twisted fact whatever you want to call it, is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
WOW!!!! How Rude
Hello My Fellow Holocaust Classmates!!!!!!
Today, in Holocaust we learn about how many different people were treated badly if they were to speak to Jews. If you even thought of speaking to a Jew, you were looked down upon because you chose to be kind to them. Even the Jewish Childern were treated badly because of their race and not only that,but because they chose to study their own religion rather then the Christian religion. Things began to fade and people decided that it didn't make any since for them not to speak to the Jews any more they didn't feel that the Jews had did anything wrong to them so they decided to speak to the Jews again, but before they could even get a chance to the Christians started blaming each and everything on the Jews. If their was sickness the Jews were blamed for it, the Jews were blamed for the black plague, for stealing, for killing the Jews were blamed for it because the Christians didn't want anyone speaking to the Jews, and they got their way by causing all of this ruckus about the Jews...................................HOW RUDE OF THOSE PEOPLE TO DO THE JEWS THAT WAY..............................
Yours Truly...... Ashley "Momo" Luckett
Today, in Holocaust we learn about how many different people were treated badly if they were to speak to Jews. If you even thought of speaking to a Jew, you were looked down upon because you chose to be kind to them. Even the Jewish Childern were treated badly because of their race and not only that,but because they chose to study their own religion rather then the Christian religion. Things began to fade and people decided that it didn't make any since for them not to speak to the Jews any more they didn't feel that the Jews had did anything wrong to them so they decided to speak to the Jews again, but before they could even get a chance to the Christians started blaming each and everything on the Jews. If their was sickness the Jews were blamed for it, the Jews were blamed for the black plague, for stealing, for killing the Jews were blamed for it because the Christians didn't want anyone speaking to the Jews, and they got their way by causing all of this ruckus about the Jews...................................HOW RUDE OF THOSE PEOPLE TO DO THE JEWS THAT WAY..............................
Yours Truly...... Ashley "Momo" Luckett
todays class 8.26.09
In today's class we learned that the Jews throughout history were blamed for just about everything. The thing that gets me the most though is calling the Jews "Christ-killers". See the thing that gets me is that didn't Jesus say he was dying for our sins? And didn't Jesus say that he was meant to die? So how can Christians be so mad at the Jews [who btw weren't even the ones who killed Jesus] if it was what was meant to happen? If the Jews [actually Romans] hadn't killed Jesus then how would Jesus have resurrected? I think that if Jesus wasn't killed then he would have grown old and died of old age like a normal man. Jesus would have also lived like a normal man, then what would have been so special about him?? Because Jesus was just another man before he resurrected, and just like the other men he would have wanted a family and just work the rest of his life to support his family. So in a way, if it wasn't for Jews, Jesus would not have been to what he is now.
I like how today's class because it was short...just playing. No i really did like today's class. Today's class was a review, but it was still interesting. It's upsurd how Jews were blame for everything, even if it had nothing to do with them. I have already done some research on my hero and I look forward to it. Well I'm looking forward to tomorrow's notes. I'm pretty sure we're going to get tired of writing, since we're going to finish the powerpoint. Getting familiar with the background will help a lot. =)
The First Wednesday in Holocaust
Today's class was pretty good. I found it unfair that people thought Jews were the Devil and that everything bad that happend was supposedly all the Jews fault. It was selfish for Christians to force thier religion on the Jews. I mean the Jews said they believe in Jesus but not un the same way Christians do, they didn't say they were atheist; at least they have a religion that Jesus is apart of.
Today's Class
To be honest we had to take alot of notes down and my hand was hurting....
The project we got for our hero/villian seems like it will be a big project
a bit worry about it. I never imgined that the romans would kill Jesus. The reading from monday seemed hard and to be honest i think i didnt even pass the quiz seemed very hard.
The jews were the ones that were being called "christ-killers" because people believed they were teh ones who killed Jesus.
The project we got for our hero/villian seems like it will be a big project
a bit worry about it. I never imgined that the romans would kill Jesus. The reading from monday seemed hard and to be honest i think i didnt even pass the quiz seemed very hard.
The jews were the ones that were being called "christ-killers" because people believed they were teh ones who killed Jesus.
8/26/09 In Class.
Well today's class was very interesting. I like that we are learning about the background of all the religions beforehand. I think this might help me understand more information about the Holocaust. Yesterday I learned deeper information about my religion that I did not know. I was excited to know about the Christians ans Romans blaming the Jews for killing Jesus!
The notes are somewhat bad but I can just see us getting more sooner or later!
The notes are somewhat bad but I can just see us getting more sooner or later!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today's class was pretty interesting. I learned a few things. It never crossed my mind that the Romans were the ones that killed Jesus. When you made that point, it didn't make sense why the Jews were the blame. As I learned, Jew's opponents looked for anything to blame the Jews. Taking notes was not that bad. I figured Ingram would make us take a lot of notes since i've taken one of her classes before. Although I expected taking a lot of notes, I wasn't quite prepared. My hands hurt when I write, but I know I have to get used to it. The quiz was semi hard. I read, but when I looked at the test, my mind went blank. I'm pretty sure I did okay. Well I'm looking forward to tomorrow's class. Good thing it's a short period..=)
todays class
Todays class was interesting, we took a lot of notes that was pretty tiring.
we basically reviewed what we read so it wasn't that hard.
im looking forward to more contriversy and debate though =[
soon soon!
umm yeah thats it for now
Ms.Ingram thanks for making my hand cramp! ily =]
New Girls Thoughts
The class today was good over all I am so ready for the class to get deeper in the class. Any who today's class really had me think a lot about religion . It opened my eyes to something new something that i didn't know anything about . I thought the Holocaust just started because the Nazi didn't like the Jews but it was something so much deeper then that . It was something that they held against the Jews way back in Jesus time which was a very long time ago. To me this shows a number of things about the Nazi it show they cant let anything go and forgive and that they did not learn much about Jesus because he was all for forgiveness no matter what it was .My point of view of the Nazi is they really don't have a heart because the things they did was very mean . And that's my thoughts about today's class new girls leaving the building.
Hey guys!
So today was definetely one of the more difficult classes we've had so far. I read the packet but the quiz was harder than I expected. It is also interesting to hear why the Christians called the Jews Christ-killers when really that makes no sense; because if we're going to get technincal, it was the Romans who killed him. I think this proves the point that people will dig for anything they can find to use against a certain group that they are already not so fond of. Ms. Ingram's lecture was really interesting but I have to admit it was getting kind of hard to hear and a little upsetting but this is only the beginning so I know this won't even be the half of it. But I'm excited to delve further into all of the details and hopefully have some discussions...see ya all tomorrow!!
So today was definetely one of the more difficult classes we've had so far. I read the packet but the quiz was harder than I expected. It is also interesting to hear why the Christians called the Jews Christ-killers when really that makes no sense; because if we're going to get technincal, it was the Romans who killed him. I think this proves the point that people will dig for anything they can find to use against a certain group that they are already not so fond of. Ms. Ingram's lecture was really interesting but I have to admit it was getting kind of hard to hear and a little upsetting but this is only the beginning so I know this won't even be the half of it. But I'm excited to delve further into all of the details and hopefully have some discussions...see ya all tomorrow!!
My hand still hurts from all the notes we took today! I read the worksheets and i was pepared for the quiz but i have a hard time remembering dates so that caused me to struggle on the quiz...GRR. Even though my hand was killing me during notes i did learn a lot of new things. I didn't know that Christians were the first group of people to start hating the Jews. I also thought Ms.Ingram made a great point when she pointed it out that the romans were the ones to crusify Jesus so it didnt make sence for Christians to say Jews killed Jesus. I never thought of it like that.
Today's Class..Oh yeah and Ms. Ingram, your gonna loooove this!
Bombed the quiz...
On todays quiz I know I have like four out of the five questions wrong. But it's not fair! A couple of those questions were tricky. Like the one about what happened in Europe between 1939 through 1945. Well duhh its the Holocaust, but I thought Ms. Ingram wanted me to be more specific :/
sooo I put death camps, and to be fair there were death camps DURING the Holocaust right?? Well point is i bombed todays quiz, but I really did enjoy last nights reading :] ...even though its kind of sad :[
Andrea :D
sooo I put death camps, and to be fair there were death camps DURING the Holocaust right?? Well point is i bombed todays quiz, but I really did enjoy last nights reading :] ...even though its kind of sad :[
Andrea :D
The New Girl
Hi my name is Nemiah B.k.A Maya the so fare i really love the Holocaust class it is one of the classes that I am really looking forward to this year it is a subject that i did want to study and now i have the chance ...... So fare i really think the class rock and I am so ready to lean...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tepeyac Girls
Hello Everyone! It's me Ashley.L, just stopping bye to say how i am looking forward to having Holocaust this Semester. Right now i only know a little about the Holocaust, but i am looking forward to learning new things. This will be my second time having Ms. Ingram as a teacher I had her freshmen year for freshmen studies A.K.A. FS, and now as a senior i will be having her for Holocaust. Hoping that this class won't be as hard as some of my fellow classmates said it would be, and i am also hoping that we won't have as much work in this class like will be getting in our other classes. I really hope to get something accomplish in the first Semester of Holocaust.
See you soon Tepeyac Girls!!!
Sincerely *Momo*
See you soon Tepeyac Girls!!!
Sincerely *Momo*
My name is Mireya and in Holocaust im looking forward to the challenge. Im sure nothing about this class will be boring and i cant wait to start learning about all the things that havent been taught to me. Im glad I will be taking Holocaust because not a lot of people will be able to say they took this class. All the hard work and staying up late studying for tests will pay off.
Holocaust :]
So uhh...yeah. I was scared to take this class because i heard it was hard, but now I'm looking forward to it. I really do think the Holocaust is interesting and I'd be glad to learn more about it. The only think I'm scared of is the pictures would be too much for me :/
Andrea [taco!] Duenas :P
Andrea [taco!] Duenas :P
Hi FOLKS my name is Brisa as u might know :] UMM what I am looking forward in this class will be getting over it quickly. I Hope! I am already having nightmares about being in Concentration camps and cutting my hair short :[
check it!!
yooo. my nme is mia as you all should know.
i'm looking forward to this class very much.i want to learn things i don't and remember things i do.this class shall be very interesting
ms.ingram you're kinda picky but i love you. =]
i'm looking forward to this class very much.i want to learn things i don't and remember things i do.this class shall be very interesting
ms.ingram you're kinda picky but i love you. =]
Sunday, August 23, 2009
just checkin in
wats up this is brandi. lookin foward to learnin about the Holocaust. im looking foward to learnin about the nazi and the concentration camps. also want to futher my knowledge in history.
hello world and ms.Ingrams holocaust class =]
i am Amber and i am also in ms.ingrams holocaust class im am looking forward to this class i wanna learn more about hitler and the nazi's i'd like to find out more information on why everything happened the way it did. i love debating so this seems like a good class for that.
im excited to have ms.ingram as a teacher although she might be pretty strict but i think thats what we need.
so yea thats it for now
Hello everyone!!
Hey there,
So I'm really excited for this class! I was also nervous when I thought about what girls who've taken this class before have said about the courseload, and the heaviness of the material. But after having had the class like one (and a half? lol) times, I'm just so thrilled to be a part of this class!! I get the feeling that Ms. Ingram really knows her stuff and is also willing to hear all of us out, which is really important in a class like this. The Holocaust is a really heavy topic and can sometimes even be taboo, so I'm looking forward to learning enough about it that I can have a real conversation with someone on the topic and contribute my own educated thoughts. I will also take this opportunity to let the class know that I'm currently in the process of converting to Judaism. So this class holds extra special significance for me and is another reason why I'm so excited. It also is a reason that I'm nervous about the class because hearing about the Holocaust, as I know it is for everyone, is extremely hard. But for me, learning about it feels like learning about my personal history/ancestry, as I have a lot of Jewish family members on my mother's side. I appreciate everyone reading this and I'm so excited to get to know everyone better!!
So I'm really excited for this class! I was also nervous when I thought about what girls who've taken this class before have said about the courseload, and the heaviness of the material. But after having had the class like one (and a half? lol) times, I'm just so thrilled to be a part of this class!! I get the feeling that Ms. Ingram really knows her stuff and is also willing to hear all of us out, which is really important in a class like this. The Holocaust is a really heavy topic and can sometimes even be taboo, so I'm looking forward to learning enough about it that I can have a real conversation with someone on the topic and contribute my own educated thoughts. I will also take this opportunity to let the class know that I'm currently in the process of converting to Judaism. So this class holds extra special significance for me and is another reason why I'm so excited. It also is a reason that I'm nervous about the class because hearing about the Holocaust, as I know it is for everyone, is extremely hard. But for me, learning about it feels like learning about my personal history/ancestry, as I have a lot of Jewish family members on my mother's side. I appreciate everyone reading this and I'm so excited to get to know everyone better!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
About Jackie.
Well next week is when the full week begins in Ms. Ingram's class. As of Friday, I think that this semester might be interesting. I think that she will make this a fun course.
When I first found out about taking this class I was scared because I have heard the older girls say it will be hard. With the new homework policy I was even more scared, but I see that it might be fun!
I am looking forward to continue in her class. =)
When I first found out about taking this class I was scared because I have heard the older girls say it will be hard. With the new homework policy I was even more scared, but I see that it might be fun!
I am looking forward to continue in her class. =)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Short and sweet: about me
My name is Ariel M. Ward, and my nickname is Ziggy. I am a participant in Ms. Ingrams Holocaust course. I am Starting an official week of Holocaust starting Monday.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Welcome to the Blog!!!

I am hoping that each and every one of you will share your thoughts, insights, questions and musings! This blog is a place for you to discuss the week's goings on as well as your thoughts/feelings about the topics we discuss in class. You can also share information about the novels we read and the papers/presentations you will be doing.
I am asking you to post at least 3 blogs by every Monday for the previous week. These entries need to be at least one paragraph (4-6 sentences) in length and should be written using standard English/grammar. Students are also encouraged to comment on each other's entries--keep the comments relevant and do not demean each other. More than 3 blogs per week will earn you extra credit--as will meaningful/relevant comments on each other's blogs! :)
I will also post weekly--please feel free to comment on my entries as well! :)
I look forward to lots of interesting and informative interaction on this blog!!!!
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