Monday, November 2, 2009


Morning Ladies!

I didn't get to check the blog last week, so I just finished checking two weeks worth of writing. I think I told you that you didn't have to blog for last week because it was a short week. But many of you did your blogging, so I will count it as extra credit! :) I'm enjoying some of the interaction between students--specifically Erica Reyes and several of you. I wish more of you would get into this type of dialogue with each other. One it helps you to get your opinions out there and, two, it gets you EASY EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!!!!

On the downside, there are 9 of you--almost 1/2 the class!--who are NOT BLOGGING. This affects your grade and you've got to get on the blogging!

Also wanted to comment on those of you who commented on the Exam and study guide begin "almost identical"! LOL. They WERE identical except for 1 question I pulled! :) Sadly, you won't get that lucky on any other tests this quarter--I will MAKE SURE to have enough time to create a study guide for you that doesn't look like the test. :) Love you!!!!


1 comment:

  1. ..........Ms. Ingram....... you should do it the same.IDENTICAL. On our finals.


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