Sunday, November 22, 2009

The other thing I wanted to mention was that I was talking to my friend about the trip the other day and he was telling me that on the grand opening of the museum there were snipers on the roof. Ok that made me really upset. I don't understand how people can be so disrespectful and evil and ignorant, especially when there is so much proof that this absolutely happened and there is just no denying it. Denying it makes you just look like an ignoramus!! And trying to hurt people who are just trying to honor and remember people who died in a horribly unjust way makes you look like the devil! You know, in case any of them happen to read this which I doubt but who knows. I'm also excited that it is in Skokie because hopefully we'll get to explore it a little and I will get to show the class my hometown!!

1 comment:

  1. Yea, it hurts to know that there is still people like that. I can't belive that after what all those people went through there will be people trying to distroy that. I think these people diserve this and more in honor of all them


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