Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ok So I also wanted to write about a terrible nightmare I had last night. I think the class is getting to me a little, or a lot, because I had a dream about the Holocaust. It was really strange in the beginning because nothing made sense and then it just got scarier and scarier. I feel a little bad saying this because I have no idea what it must have felt like to be in the Holocaust, but my dream was terrifying. And everything we learned about was in the dream and it went on forever and seemed to never end. It started out that I was in a ghetto like the Warsaw ghetto. and lots of wierd stuff was happening and they were unsanitary and lots and lots of strangers and lots of evil nazis who laughed at us. And there was a HUGE rodent. it was disguisting. And then they were doing selections and then later we were in a line waiting to get food and the evil nazis said one person took too much so they made the people at the front go to the back and wait even longer and it was loud and scary and there were barbed wires and wooden crowded train cars. It was terrible. Has anyone else had any nightmares about the Holocaust?

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