Saturday, October 24, 2009

ON Wednesday and Thursday, we began the chapter 3 power point. It's crazy how Germany took over Poland in less than a month. Lodz Ghetto was the first made for the Jews. The Ghettos were unsanitary, run down, and over crowded.The walls were made from tombstones cemeteries that separated the Jews from the others. The Jews had to pay so the walls could be built.


  1. I was thinking about how the Ghettos were, and now a days many people are proud to say that they live in the Ghetto! I would not be proud to say that after looking at so many pictures, I am discusted! Everything was very bad! When I was reading the ch.3 I felt sick because of the way everything was described!

  2. Isn't it crazy how they first put the jews through all that. But then had them pay for having the worst conditions ever. I think that I would die.


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