Monday, November 30, 2009

Today was a good class. we were supposed to start on Chapter 10 notes, but we didn't. our Holocaust trip is tomorrow, and I can't wait. I'm so excited, I have a feeling this is going to be an emotional and interesting trip.


if a person survival it was not a accident or luck . they person just did everything in his of her power to make it . even if it meant for them to steal ,buy,or get a hold of things they saw that would help them. if you worked in Canada they mean you can sneak in small items of food and clothes but it was there life if they got cough.
Soon our Holocaust trip is coming up soon, i can't wait i look forward to going and seeing the exhibit, i think it is going to be fun, but i also think that it is going to upset a lot of people as well.
Ingram, told us that chapter 10 was all about how the Jews were fighting back,how they didn't let the Nazi's keep treating them like that. The Jews had to fight back in order to free themselves. I think that this chapter will be the best one.

Angle of Death

Josef Mengle was well know ed as the death angle he would send a person to there death with a smile. Was know ed for the Jewish holiday calendar he would make his selections on the holidays of the Jews . He was the chief officer at Birkenau . He also used the Jews for his scientific project like trying to find out how twins was created. which was crazy . The doctors in the camps didn't heal they used there knowledge to murder
Ok so like i wasn't their, so i don't know what they were doing, but im sure i'll find out today

Another Crazy event in tha Holocaust

The Nazis was the type of people if it is not benefit them . they felt if the Jews were no longer strong enough to work they were worthless to them. They would make a selection every week sometimes it would take week and if they feel as if they not dying fast enough they would kill them by whole blocks. The Nazis would have SS doctors to come out and make the workers do physical actives then they would make there selections some times they would save people till they had enough people in the chamber ......... So people would have been weighting to die thats crazy

Sunday, November 29, 2009

So, on wedsday I wasn't in class.So I really don't know what really happen. Since Ms. Ingrem wasn't in class either I know that we didn't do notes. Thank god because I don't like missing out on notes because theres a lot of good facts that we go over. Anways I hope the vocab and the quiz isn't that hard.
I actually liked chapter 10 because I actually got to hear stories of Jews actually fighting back and it's not something mentioned very much when talking about the Holocaust. Im curious if any of the speakers that we will be listening to on Tuesday did anything to fight back?.... What i found intersting was that Jews were already use to being persecuted since theyve been around so they thought that over time it would just go away like it had in the past.
OMG im super excited that Tuesday is almost here:). My mom is real jealous that we're going because she wanted to go also. But the bad part is that we don't have a school bus so we're gonna have to go in the school van and in Ms.Ingrams car. I hope its not too much of an uncomfortable ride b/c thats a pretty long ride.

Notes like always!

I have cramps on my hand! It feels different because we have to write the notes and I think that I might pay more attention like that! I feel bad for the other guys because they are going to write all of the notes and we didn't! How many more chapters are we going to wirte?
I hope that the field trip is lots of fun!

Field Trip :))

I can't wait!! :D
I know it's going to be a little tight on the "bus" over there, but I can't wait.
I'm scared though, I think I'm going to cry :/
But it'll be worth the visit :]

I can't wait to hear the witness, I think that's the part I'm most interested in.


It's been weird writing notes in class because we always got the powerpoint printouts.
But it's not that hard, I actually kind of like it because it's kind of like practice I guess for college.
Not that I write every single word down, I admit I don't, but a shorten it. I like outlining things the notes, I find it easier on both my brian and my hand :P


On Wednesday we worked on vocab, well at least I did! I missed you Ingram! I finished all of my vocab in class so I wouldn't have to bring it home! It is not like they were many words. It was not that hard if we read! Speaking of, I might have failed that reading quiz. For some reason, I blanked out it felt like I did not know what the questions were asking! Oh well next time I will have to read a few times! I think I might have to start on my power-point because I have some other work to do!

OMG!! D:

The Reading Project is due this week! D:
and the field trip is this week!
and Ingram come back :]
The Ch. test was ok, I think I got most of the questions right.
Then we had to do the vocab words, there weren't that many, but I couldn't really read Sheltons writing :/

Thanksgiving week

This week was short but somehow we did lots of work! Monday we took notes on chapter nine! I am excited for the field trip, not only because we get out of class for the day, but we also get to see all the stuff. We will finally get a picture of all the things that we have been talking about! The only thing that I am iffy about is the security. Even with just a few girls, we better behave!
Well i know that on wednesday we had to take chapter ten reading quiz. But some of us werent their so we need to make it up on monday morning during class. I hear that chapter nine and ten was not lots of vocab. We need to be working on our novel project that is due next monday. We missed you Ms.Ingram at the feast.
On Tuesday we continued chapter nine power point. I cant believe the Doctor Joseph Mengele was known for experiments on Jews. He was called the angel of death. Why was he doing experiments on Jews why not on anyone else. Also chapter nine was about how they lived in the camps. Their daily life was being up at four in the morning after that it was labor time. I f you weren't up at four in the morning you could be killed.
Well people am satrting to blog from monday. Monday we began by taking chapter nine quiz. Yea i did good on teh quiz. then we began taking chapter nine power point notes super long. We had to write the notes down on our notebook. Our last novel is due on november 7th. At first i didnt know what a muselmanner was till Ms.Ingram said it was a muslim. I tought it was something else.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today was a good class. we took the Chapter 10 quiz, and started on Chapter 9 and 10 vocabulary. we didn't do much today but the quiz and vocabulary. I liked Chpater 10 is a good chapter, especially when the part when the little boy was praying then slapped the Nazi. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Notes seem to get more and more introsteing each time. We did chapter 9 notes. Which mostly talks about how people live their lives during the whole Holocust. The men that really came up to my attention was the doctor. How he would just humilate people and how he would sent them to die. In my hurt I just can't imagine people like that. Or like the people who would use the jews as experiments. If the jews were the worst then why use them for such a thing?
Today was a good class, but it was also disturbing. It seem like everyday we talk about the Jews, there torture is getting worst and worst. Well we finished Chapter 9 notes today and tomorrow we will take the Chapter 10 quiz. I think I am going to like Chapter 10 because the title is "Fighting Back". I nChapter 9 we talked about Josef Mengele and how he would do surgery on Jews while they were wide awake. it is really horrible how they could treat the Jews like that, it's like they wake up every morning and go to their job which is torturing the Jews.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's class I found to be very introtesting.We took chapter 9 quiz. Which by the way the quiz had questions from chapter eight. We also started chapter 9 notes. There were many introtesting facts. Like how they would cut the jews hair and use it for something. I can't belive they would cut all of their hair off. I felt so bad for the women. Imagine if they were on their periods. I think that the women in those days had more to loose then thmen.
Today's class was a little disturbing. we talked about life in the camps, wow it's ironic how the Jews were treated in the camps. I mean they were givin clothes that couldn't fit them, and the clothes came from other Jews that were killed. they were given dirty/born water that was supposed to be coffee. I thought I wouldn't like this class,but I realized that it is a very interesting class. I only knew so little information about the Holocaust, but having the class everyday I'm learning each and everyday what they went through! I can't wait to go on the trip!!
Again, today was also a very heavy class. Hearing about life in the camps is terrible. It sounds so unbearable. I mean just hearing about it is terrible and unbearable and painful so I can only imagine what it must be like to be there. I'm excited to meet the Holocaust survivor and get to talk about it with them a bit. I've met Holocaust survivors but have never felt it would be appropriate to ask or mention it. I think it will be difficult to hear but also inspiring because years later they are still here.


Ms. Ingram was telling us about the field trip and I'm pretty excited. There is only one problem the rules are pretty strict I can't believe we can't even wear jackets it's going to be December plus we have to wear our skirts and in school girls can wear their joggers. But I'm pretty excited to go.


I thought I did good on the test but I didn't so now I have to do corrections. I'm glad I I'm passing Holocaust. It was progress report and I'm passing all of my classes. We have to keep writing on notes and the slides are pretty long.


We started on chapter 8 and we have to write the notes down. Is the longest chapter of the book so imagine how much we have to write. Ms. Ingram just like to torture us.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I am looking forward to the trip that we have planned, but then again im not happy because they have to many rules, no cell phones, no metal, and no coats................i don't understand that no coats and it's the month of December.....the are so wrong.
When we were in class we talked about a lot of things.Hitler did these people so wrong and if he were here today i would want him to pay for everything that he ever did to the Jews, and any other religion that Hitler, and the Nazi's didn't support
Last week in class, we took notes because their wasn't any printed out power points. There were a lot of notes to write down.................I think it was like twenty something slides for that power point.My hands hurted really,really bad but it was worth it.
So i just finished reading chapter 9. I dont even know where to begin on the new horrific things that i learned in this chapter. I was in disbelief that between 3 or 4 people slept in those tiny blocks. also that it was only meant for 500 and it held 2,000!. A new thing that i learned in this chapter was called "sport" which meant that some inmates were chosen to do pushups in the mud and were shot when they dropped and they would also have to hold heavy stones over their heads until they were allowed to put them down. Also two or three jews were ordered to play "tag" and the one tagged would be killed for loosing the game! how humiliating!! I couldnt even believe what i was reading!
Im sooo excited to go visit the Holocaust museum. I think its cool like depending on how many people your taking in is based on the color you'll be wearing representing each group that was persecuted. we're wearing red whcih is for prisoners of war. The part im mainly looking forward to is getting to hear the speakers stories and time for questions. I hope its just our class that gets to be in the autitorium. Too bad we cant wear our joggers that day:(.
So, Ms. Ingrem is planning to take her Holocaust class to this museum. It seems really strict where we're going. I'm excited to go. But then at the same time a bit scared because I really get sentenmental with all these kind of things. I also hope that the weather isn't that sad or rainy. For one that wouldn't help and the other if its to cold people are going to freeze in their skrits.
The other thing I wanted to mention was that I was talking to my friend about the trip the other day and he was telling me that on the grand opening of the museum there were snipers on the roof. Ok that made me really upset. I don't understand how people can be so disrespectful and evil and ignorant, especially when there is so much proof that this absolutely happened and there is just no denying it. Denying it makes you just look like an ignoramus!! And trying to hurt people who are just trying to honor and remember people who died in a horribly unjust way makes you look like the devil! You know, in case any of them happen to read this which I doubt but who knows. I'm also excited that it is in Skokie because hopefully we'll get to explore it a little and I will get to show the class my hometown!!
Friday's class was really intense. I can't believe some of the stuff I heard. It is utterly despicable and makes me sick. I'm really glad that we're getting to go to the Holocaust Museum in Skokie though. That should be a really unforgettable experience.


I still need to read Ch. 9 for our quiz on Monday. I think that this fieldtrip that we are going to go to is going to be fun. I am just worried about all the security! I hope that WE behave. We need to show them what Tepeyac is really about :)! I hope that I don't start crying when we listen to this person who is going to talk to us! I feel like we are moving fast on these chapters. That also means a lot quizes!

this week!

This week we were taking so many notes! My wrist still hurts and I still need to copy the notes from friday! I finished the novel and it was the best one out of all the other novels we had to read. Honostly I just skimmed through the first one! I tried to read it but I ran out of time and I was not impressed with it! It was very boring, in my opinion!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Well we finished chapter eight power point.I never knew that the first concentration camp were existing jails.And that the concentration camps wereto small to have large numbers of people.Also Dachau was opened the year 1933. Many jews were arrested the year 1938.My question was if they were all color coded so they wont get mixed up.Why did they only have one women concentration camps.
Today was a good class period, we finally finished Chapter 8 notes. now I have to read Chapter 9 and get ready for the quiz on Monday. today's class period was kind of depresing, it was sad that the women's hair was cut off and used to put inside of gloves and socks. Himmler's quote was also a little sad, when the Nazis have taken all the Jews had.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Field Trip

We went over the basics of our field trip. I'm super excited! Class, I promise I won't act a fool. (Im notorious for it).
Today was a good class period, we talked about our upcoming Holocaust trip. when Ms.Ingram was telling us about it , I felt like I am going to be treated like one of the Jews. We are going to be seperated by colors, we have to basically where our uniforms, I know the trip is going to be worth it, so I won't exaggerate. I can't wait to go! now we continued Chapter 8 notes and I find it ironic that the Jews had soap that was made of fat or human's fat. it was also sad that those that survived had to take the dead bodies out of the gas chambers.
I was just thinking about how terrible and ironic it is that the Nazis cremated the Jews seeing as how cremation is against Jewish law. I think it's because the beginning of the bible talks becoming part of the earth again after death which is interpreted as people having to be buried. So I wonder if they did that knowing this information and if it made it even better for the disgusting Nazis.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I missed class today and it seems like I missed really good information. Chapter eight is a pretty long chapter with lots of information. But as I was reading the commens today what shocked me the most was how they tattooedthe jews. That most of been the worst thing they can come up with. It's just somthing that marks you for the rest of your life. I just can't imagine myself going through all that. I reather die right away then being tourger before they end up killing me anyway.
So, yesterday we had progress reports. Which by the way I though it would go worst. But I guess I got the hang of this class. The period didn't seem that long. We got the vocab for both chapters. Chapter seven vocab wasn't that long. But chapter eight was pretty long. But since we had a longer class period I gopt most everything done. So every thing well that day.
Today was a good class. we continued Chapter 8 notes today, but we have 25 slides. I don't think we are going to be finish anytime soon. While I was taking notes I found it to be interesting that the Jews were categorized by color, and some Jews had a number tattooed onto them. it was really sad that they weren't known by their names, but by a number.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today was Progress reports and i liked my grade for Holocaust. Today we took our reading quiz it was pretty easy. I was suprised I remembered cause that was a loooong chapter! When I got hope I began reading the novel and I finished it. I thought Rutka was still alive! I didnt know she was sent to a gas chamber! It was sad.
Well this week we really havent done much.On monday we took chapter eight notes.Ms.Ingram gave us an extra day to read chapter eight.Thank you Ms.Ingram for that well also lets thank erica for making a commitment to keep quiet.Also we have a lot to finish coming down for chapter eight.Friday we took chapter seven notes.Omg i cant believe I have an A+ in your class.I passed my test as well.Yeay excited about my progress report.

Monday, November 16, 2009

ch 8 notes

Chapter 8 notes were blurry. It never fails or ceases to amaze me that no matter what the nazi's still did Heartless crap.
I missed class today, so from your posts I gather that we didn't have the chap 8 quiz? I had to leave for an early dismissal :(
I also won't be in class tomorrow bc some of the seniors are going on a field trip.
And the crazy weeks begin again...
because we've only had like a week where we had class all 5 days lol. See ya guys soon.
So, today was a short period class. We were supposed to take ch 8 quiz. But thanks to Erica we didn't have to. So the quiz will be tomorrow. Thank god because the chapter is pretty long. So many things that we need to remember, hopefuly we all do good. Since class was short today that means that class will be longer tomorrow. Which means progress reports. I hope I do good and I wish you guys the best.
Today was good and short class period due to progress reports. we started on Chapter 8 notes today, I thought we were going to take the quiz today. Ms.Ingram was nice enough to let us take the quiz tomorrow, thank you Ms. Ingram and Erica. Chapter 8 is a very long chapter, so we'll have a lot of writing to do tomorrow! I hope everyone did good on their progress reports.


I thought Ms.Ingram was going to show our test but she didn't. That movie had some bad things when they showed that Jew naked and the old man I can't remember I think he was a Nazi and he still had pride. I thought all man that participated in the Holocaust or were Nazis they got arrested if they were still alive.


Test it was pretty long I hoped I passed. Another thing that I'm concerned is my bellwork. I did do so good I needed two bell works. But I'm good in Vocabulary.


We had to study because we had a test on Tuesday. We were watching that documentary it was a little bit interesting.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am HOPING that many of you will be posting after I've gone to sleep cuz there are 12 of you who have 1 or NO entries!!!!!!!

I'm nervous for progress reports!!!!
We had to write down chapter seven notes because Ms. Ingram wasnt able to print the notes out for us..Grr. Hopefully next week we dont have to do that again. The most disturbing thing I learned about while going through ch.7 is that inside the trains it was over crowded and sometimes the trips were for days and people had to use the washroom in buckets. If people werent able to make it to the bucket did they just do it on themselves or what? That was just horrible. i couldnt get over it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday's Class

We took notes on Ch. 7's Deportation. The Nazi's put a bucket on the trains and the bad part about it was that the bucket sloshed around. it grossed me out and it was sad and unfair because the Jews are people and they have a right to be treated that way.


We started on ch.7 and we finish it.. I think... Omg!!! we had to write those notes out but, it was cool because I wanted 2 write in my notebook...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today was a great day! We started on Chapter 7 notes today, but we had to write them. It's cool though, The Jews were treated so badly it's ridiculous. they didn't have a bathroom, no food and water, they didn't have anything. Then just imagine using a bucket as the bathroom, along with 130 other people. I'm sure that isn't a very pleasant smell nor feeling!
One thing that I've also been thinking a lot about is how I've always learned about the Hlocaust in school through out the years, but I've always thought of the Holocaust as more in terms of concentration and death camps. I knew very little about the ghettos, and had no idea how terrible they were. The ghettoization, I've realized, is equally as terrible as the camps because there was always death there too. The Nazis were trying to not only kill, but dehumanize all of the Jews and make them believe that they were not important or worthy of anything. It's so sad but it makes me so happy to know that the Nazis did NOT win!!!!
The class is getting really interesting. Well actually its been very interesting. But I'm so shocked by some of the things that we hear. I thought I knew a lot about it but there's so much I'm constantly learning. It's exciting and hard to hear as well.


We finished up Aushwits and have to read ch. 8. I bet vocab is today...How Fun (Sarcasm)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov 11

Watched a Movie documentary called Aushwits. Is interesting in some point but, in the same part is boring.

Tuesday Nov 10

Test was ok. I guess I have a feeling I did good or bad but, most likely bad because I am not good in test. On ch 3 thru 6. Hopefully Ms. ingram will tell us...

Monday Nov 9

Shadow day. Short memory can't remember what we did.

Wed. Oct 28

Tepeyac Halloween. It was a fun day I think we watched a movie. I can't believe Taco. Is scared of Skeletons.. I imagine if she scared of clowns too.

Tuesday Oct 27

Took a quiz was kind of difficult because it was to remembering the reading.

Ch. 3 "The Ghettos"

World war II started on September 1. 1939. Germany invaded Poland, England and France. To be continued..

Friday 23

We watch a Movie.
Documentary of survivors.
It was sad.
Used babies as target practice.

Monday 19

Had time to work on Study Guides.

Tuesday 20

Took the 1st Semester Exam.
It was kind off hard and easy even tough I fail it.
Same as the study guide.

Friday 16

That we worked on Study Guides.

Thursday 15

Finish Chapter 2. Jewish and Polish animals weren't allowed in any placed. But, how can the pets be identify as Jews.

Oct. 14

The Standard test was kind off difficult specially the reading and english class but, the English was easy.

Oct 13

Wellness day!!
We didn't have class.. but, the program info. Some were boring. Some were fun.

Crystal Night

Crystal night started in November 9 and 10, 1938. A thousandths were send to Concentration camps. They drink the blood or use it for religious rites. The valuable stuff from the Jews had to be turn to the Nazis.

The Nuremberg Laws

The Nuremberg law was passed in two parts "Law for the protection of German blood and German Honor" and " Reich Citizenship Law." Contains marriages between Jews and Germans. Citizenship Law that provides political rights. It was wrong that a Jewish doctor who gave his own blood to save a German was send to a concentration camp by supposedly polluting the nation. Jesse Owens was the world fastest man and won four metals Hitler walk away because he didn't want to shake a black hand man.
Today we whached a movie / documentry. I found the documentry very introtesting. Everyone seem to talk about their experiaces towrds the whole Holocaust. But there was one men in perticular that caught my attention. This men talked about how he didn't have no pitty towrds the Jews and that if could he would do it again. He said that up to this day he doesn't regret doing what he did. I couldn' belive this old men. Doesn't he know that everything you do in this world you pay for it. I really didn't like his comments and it really made me angry with the things he said.
The First concentration camp Dachau was opened to hold the Jews. Boycott to all Jewish businesses in Germany. Can you used spontaneous in a sentence.Now I have a little bit of info about Joseph Goebbels master of the Reich press, radio and propaganda. It wasn't right about what he did propaganda for saying "Do Not Buy from Jews whoever buys is a traitor. " This occur in April 1, 1933. It was mean placing the Jew sign around the hood. I found out that on April 7 the first Anti- Jewish was passed. What I didn't like that when they burn books in the end it is human being that they burn.

Hitler in power

Hitler became chancellor in January 30, 1933. From the speech he did was clear about he going to do with the Jews Get Rid. One thing that I wasn't cool with it was the board game named " Get the Jews out" because they used to taught children's' from an earliest yrs to stay from Jews. I don't agree about Germany having a constitution and laws because if they were they wouldn't treat bad the Jews. Ten to eighteen required to join the Hitler youth both genders. When It came to the test I got confused when you asked about the Enabling Act now I know that is called the law for terminating the suffering of the people and nation. Meaning violating the law.

Monday Oct 12

We went over chapter two. About the reading was that Hitler did the most to bring people to the Nazi party. Hitler represents as the one man with answers like to say German leader. I don't get what the word "lieutenant" mean?. A quote that got me thinking was about what George Zeidler said "Hitler, you're our man. Talk like a human being.... well is a good complement for him but, as further result he ain't nice.
Today we watched a movie about the Auschwits. It was a very interesting movie, there was a certain scene in the movie that I thought was quite crazy. the interviewer interviewed an S.S man, and while she was asking him questions you can tell he had no sympathy at all for the Jews he was killing. I found that to be sad because if someone treated him like that he wouldn't be pleased about that!!!

Starting off

Yea. I realize I haven't done my blog entries like for a week or three. Now I have to do a lot so I could bring my grade up. I forgot the week I haven't blog , but I'm starting to talk about the week of Oct 12.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today we watched a movie/documentay on Aushwits. It was interesting but in way it was wierd because it technically is a movie, but it has the narration of a documentary.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today we took a test on the last couple of chapters we have read. I did found it a bit difficult. I guess it was because I wasn't in class yeterday to study. Over all I though the test wasn't going to take up the whole period. But I'm glad that I got to finish just a couple of minutes before the bell wrong. Tomorrow we start another chapter. Least how how it goes with tis one.
I just finished reading chapter seven and I thought it was so mean the way the Nazis would lie to the Jews in order to get them to turn themselves in. One of the meanest things I read that they did was Nazis would announce that they needed several hundred educated and young jews for record keeping work and that thousand of Jews showed up for that "position". Thats horrible! I can't even imagine how it must feel so betrayed and feel helpless cause you cant do anything about it.
The test for the most part was easy. It was alot of writing my hand hurt. But ugh there were like 2 or 3 questions that i wouldn't remember the answer to. I was mad but over all I think I did pretty well. Ugh and tomorrow theres another reading quiz!


It's been awhile hasn't it? Ya thought ol' Ziggy wouldn't see ya'll again. lol Anyways, I Think I failed the test because I barely studied and even If I did, I'd still be nervous to take.
Today was a good day! well we took the Chapter 3-6 test today and turned in our notebooks. I hope everyone did well on their tests. I'm glad that it's over, but it was kind of easy. tonight for homework we have to read Chapter 7 and we have a quiz tomorrow.
Well yesterday we reviewd for the test for today.Ms.Ingram went over for everything that was going to be on the test.Today tuesday she colleceted our notebooks.We handed in our study guide for the test.I think i did ok on test not sure.It was not only on one specific chapter it was on chapters three-six.Ms.Ingram passed back our notebooks.Tonight for homework we need to read chapter seven on deportation.We have our reading quiz tomorrow on what we read for tonight.

What's up with my Missing people!

I read last week's posts. Not too bad ladies. Let's try and make them a bit longer in some cases. I would like to see more commenting on each other's thoughts--Erica R. does a lot of responding, but not so much for the rest of you...those are EASY points!!!!!

Good luck on today's test! Love ya!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Today was a pretty good day, and today was shadow day. we have a test tomorrow on Chapters 3-6, so we went over what Chapters 3-6 were going to be on. I don't have to alot to blog about today, it's just short and simple today....Well I hope everyone study hard and do well on the test!!

Wednesday. Thursday.Friday

The power point is due and I'm so happy I turned in early. The first time I turn in something early.Thursday it was a normal day not too important to talk about.
Friday was really special after this class I could go home but I was in a hurry to turn in questions that i had to do first period.


We took chapter 6 quiz and i did good. I'm done with the power point I'm so happy. Chapter 6 was a very interesting story.


Finishing my power point and let me tell you this. The girl in the red coat was way better then the ghetto diary. We had to take chapter 5 quiz and I think I did good. We start The Final solution and is a pretty sad story.
I finally got the second book review out of the way...This book that we have to read now seems very interesting...;Can't wait to see what happens next....
I am very nervous about the test that we are going to have.......I don't know what to expect..............I hope that is isn't going to be to hard.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I really want to learn about the the ending of the holocaust. How everything came to an end and people were kind of able to live freely. I ready to not hear about a certain group or race being killed by someone higher than them that thought that they thought didnt deserve to live.
When read chapter 6 last week it was so brutal. The germans were killing people because they were sick or had a dissability. They didnt even care really about what the women did as long as they had children. If men were homosexuals they were either killed forced be straight or they put a pink scarf to show they were homosexals. Talking about hard times they had it bad.
I am so glad to finally be done with reading and making the powerpoint on the book. I mean the book wasnt bad at all but it just took a long time to read. Im just glad i dont have to worry about trying to read that book any more. Finally I have a time of stress relief until we have to hand in the next powerpoint. Other than that the book was interesting and very good to read.
Ugh on Tuesday will be our test. Im kind of worried because there wont be a study guide to study from and for me personally really helps me do good. Im worried cause what if i study something too much and that wont even be asked on the test and something that I dont spend alot of time looking over pops up. Oh and the new novel that we're supposed to be reading came into the mail already:). I hope it's not like Ghetto Diary.
Our chapter 6 quiz was easy I thought it was gonna be harder. All that reading paid off cause i liked my grade on it. Something that kept me laughing was then they said one of the reasons they didn't put a stop to women being lesbians was because they wouldnt be able to resist a healthy aryan! ;D That was one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard.
We took Ch. 6 quiz. It was pretty easy, I got an excellent grade. It sucks that the homosexual had to wear the pink triangle on themselves. I've been studing for the chapters we are going to have a test on. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's class.
On Tuesday, it was pretty boring because Ingram wasn't there for most of the class. In the meantime, I was thinking of what to blog. After that, I began reading "The Girl in the Red Coat". Then Ingram came in. By that time, class was almost over.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday, went well. The day seem to go by pretty fast and so did these past chapters. We finished ch 6. Which was mostly about homosexuals. Ms. Ingrem told us how they would cut the gay men's pineses. I felt so bad because they did it in such a harmful and painful way. They didn't nomb them for anything. So that must of really hurt them. So now that we have finished these couple of chapters we're going to have a quiz on Tuesday.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today was a good day, we finished our Chapter 6 notes today. Chapter 6 was basically about the victims that had rights/laws against them, like the homosexual men and the gypsies. for homework we have to do Chapter 6 vocab. I found it so interesting that the homosexual men used the color pink, so other people knew they were gay.
Yea my last blog for the week.Wednesday we had to turn in our projects.Ms.Ingram said everyone turned it in for the first time.Yesterday we took our reading quiz for chapter six.Also we stated our chapter six notes.The notes were about gypsies which were called Romanies.Also homosexuals were called the Gay Men.Chapter six was pretty much about all the Victims.For homework this weekend we had to do vocabulary chapter six due Monday.
On Tuesday we finished chapter five notes.We did last section of chapter five which spoke about Reinhard Heydrich.He taught people liked him but they really didn't like him.Because he was like the government.We had to finish our Papers or power point for the novel.We also took our chapter five reading quiz.It was kind of hard but i did good in the quiz.
Well this week we began chapter five.Chapter five was about The final solution.The invasion of Russia was June 22 1941 and it was going well.I didnt know that the concentration camps were all located in Poland.why werent some concentration camps located in Germany.What was the issue with that.Ms.Ingram checked our chapter four and five vocabulary that was due on monday.We pretty much when over chapter five power point

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today we took our ch 6 quiz. The chapter wasn't that long. We also got started on ch 6 notes. Which by the way their not that long. I think we'll go through them pretty fast. Anyways this chapter talked about how the Nazis would kill those who weren't normal. Also babies that were deform. I felt so bad for these people because no one should be put through all of this.
Today was a good day! our powerpoints were due yesterday, and I hope everyone turned theirs in. we started Chapter 6 notes today. I think it was wrong for doctors to select incurably sick Germans so they would be killed, and how they killed over 3,000 children.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We got back our reading quiz today:) I was happy with it. Ugh but tomorrow theres another reading quiz. Im worried about that one because this chapter is kinda long. Something that I found interesting in todays power point is that there was never a written document signed by Hitler that he approved the conference. I wonder what happened to those documents....
So, today we got back on notes. While Ms. Ingrem was telling us how people would kill the Jews it made think about that. When she told us how they would drop this gas into one of the pipes in one of the concentration camps, so that they could get ride of more Jews that way. I felt like when you spray things to kill the insects that are inside your house. I just can't imagin how these people had the courge to do this. Even though the people did this the jews were still alive. Sure they might of killed millions, but that didn't help Jews were still alive. Its like when you kill insects you might kill some, but you will never get ride of them all.
Today was a pretty good day. our powerpoint/paper is due today and I hope everyone finish theirs and turn it in. The Girl in the Red Coat turns out to be more interesting than I thought, which is a good thing! I hope the next Holocaust class will be able to read this book too.

The Girl in the Red Coat

Our PowerPoint/paper is due today and I know some people haven't started :/
I hope everyone turns in their projects by midnight tonight to get credit for it.
Overall I ended up liking the book, it was interesting and sad at the same time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It was wierd having Ms. Ingram gone and absolutely no teacher except for Jamieson's quick appearances. But either way it gave me time to catch up on the reading. I have to say this book is amazing. It's so sad but it's really interesting and I haven't been bored at any point while reading this. Great choice Ingram!
Well, today was very different from every other day. We really didn't do anything because Ms. Ingrem wasn't in class. So many of us worked on stuff that we had to get finished. When Ms. Ingrem came in she gave us until 12am for our power points tomorrow. I guess she saw how hard we were working. Thanks Ms. Ingrem.

On Monday

The quiz we took on Ch. 5 was pretty easy. The invasion was a success for the Nazis. It was difficult for the Nazis to keep the mass killings a secret so it took more time to carry out the "Final Solution". It's crazy how the Nazis planned everything well. They knew not to have mass killings i Wester Europe because Anti-semitism wasn't as strong. If mas killings were to take part in Western Europe, people living there might help the Jews.
Today was a good day! we weren't able to finish Chapter 5 notes, so we were basically working on our book review. I am almost finish with my book review, I just have a few more slides to go. I'm glad Ms.Ingram let us turn in our book reviews by midnight, that'll give me enough time to look over it and make sure everything okay before I turn it in. Thanks Ms. Ingram!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I haven't blogged in forever! Chapter 5 is very short but very sad. So I find it ironic that it is so short. Especially because it is so important in that it goes over the Nazi's "Final Solution" where they decided to set up concentration camps to exterminate the Jews. I find all of this hard to take in and just overall really disturbing.
Today we took the ch. 5 quiz. It was like ch. 4 not very long. I think its easyer to remember things when the ch. isn't that long. The notes weren't that long either. It seems like were moving on pretty fast. I just hope the next chapters aren't that long. I seem to do better that way when there not that long.
Today was a pretty good day today! We took the Chapter 5 quiz today, and I think I did pretty good on the quiz too. I noticed Chapter 5 is a very short chapter, it's like 4 or 5 pages. I also like reading The Girl in the Red Coat, it is more interesting than The Ghetto Diary.


Morning Ladies!

I didn't get to check the blog last week, so I just finished checking two weeks worth of writing. I think I told you that you didn't have to blog for last week because it was a short week. But many of you did your blogging, so I will count it as extra credit! :) I'm enjoying some of the interaction between students--specifically Erica Reyes and several of you. I wish more of you would get into this type of dialogue with each other. One it helps you to get your opinions out there and, two, it gets you EASY EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!!!!

On the downside, there are 9 of you--almost 1/2 the class!--who are NOT BLOGGING. This affects your grade and you've got to get on the blogging!

Also wanted to comment on those of you who commented on the Exam and study guide begin "almost identical"! LOL. They WERE identical except for 1 question I pulled! :) Sadly, you won't get that lucky on any other tests this quarter--I will MAKE SURE to have enough time to create a study guide for you that doesn't look like the test. :) Love you!!!!

The book that we have to read the girl in the red coat seems to be a pretty good book so far.It's not like the ghetto diary book,it's much better.
The Nazi's would kill these women and children and drop their bodies in the ditch.But before they did that the men had to dig the ditch them they were killed.After the Nazi's had done this the would pour some type of liquid on the bodies, then covered the ditch up.People from the town said the the earth moved,but that was only because of the dead Jewish bodies.
On the last day that we were here we finished the few slides that we had left. We talked about how the Nazi's, would come and get the Jew(Men and little boys)and would make them dig their own graves. I did not like that, after digging their graves they would make them stand on the edge on the ditch and would shoot them down.They did this so that after they shoot them they would fall right into the ditch.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The last day we had class was mostly notes. I remember finishing them. God it seems so long we had class that I could hardly remember what we did. The thing I remember the most was about the Jews. They had to dig out their grave and most of them had to get naked in the cold before dying. I felt so bad for them especally for all those little kids.


On Wednesday, we didn't really do much because it was Halloween for us. We finished the last slide show on Ch. 4. It's crazy that Himmler said that all Jews are to be exterminated without exception. Still,m the Nazis are not satisfied because the killings are moving too alow, the ammunition is needed at the front, and mass murder are too hard on the murderers.


On Tuesday, we began Ch. 4 ppt. It's sad how the Jews had to dig their own graves, then they were killed. The mobile killing vans were bad because the people had a slow, painful death. It's crazy how the ordered police challenged to see who killed the most Jews during their Jew Hunt.


I can't really say anything about Monday because I was only in class for about the first 15 minutes. I went recruiting.

The Girl in the Red Coat

I like the book so far :D
It's very interesting yet sad :[
I don't like that in the beginning she's very bratty, but then again she has a right to be. She had everything taken from her. All she has now is her grandma....who gets taken away :/
Her parents both worked so she hardily seen them. It's horrible that a child had to witness the pain that everyone was in. Poor girl was robbed of her innocence :[


Wednesday made me sad because we watched this video and it showed pictures of how the Nazi's would exterminate a towns worth of Jews and other innocent people. It was humiliating and just plain wrong what the Nazi's did. The Nazi's had no respect for anyone. It makes me want to build a times machine, go back in time and run over all the horrible Nazi's with a monster truck >:/

Tuesdayyyy :]

On tuesday we took a quiz on the chapter we were suppose to read, and I passed :]
The Holocaust seems to be reaching that point that's hard for me to accept actually happened.
Thinking that people actually have the nerve to torture people, even worse that it was a whole country of people torturing innocent people who's only fault was being born to the parents they had.
In Chapter thing one of the most disturbing things I read was that after Reinhard Heydrich was killed in honor of him the extermination on the Jews of Poland was given the name of Operation Reihard! He is a man who is the farthest thing away from important I cant believe he would be given an honor like that.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Holloween:). Well I was very happy with my grade in this class and I hope I continue getting a good grade. On Monday we're having a reading quiz and I hope I do good because I need to make up for it because of the last reading quiz. From the vocab that we had for h.w the man known as "the blond beast" just makes me mad. Based on the picture of him in the book you can right away tell he was so cold hearted.
On wensday we looked at a video involving chapter four.I cant get over the fact that there was so much going on in chapter four.The order police had special task aside from the other things they had to do.There was actual regular army tehy believed that they did not participate in the activities order.
Well on tuesday we took a quiz on chapter three.Chapter three quiz was hard so i failed.Then Ms.Ingram gave us the power point on chapter four.To be honest chapter four was very short.I cant believe we finished in a day.I couldnt believe that the special action group had to follow behind the german army.Why did they not trust the german army.