Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday we were supposed to have a quiz but we didnt because we didnt finish chapter three.So we finished chapter three power point.And Ms.Ingram gave us an extra day to read chapter four.Well i didnt read chapter four so i failed the quiz.Chapter three was the longest power point.Am glad chapter four is very small we finished in a day yay.
This week was short, nothing new! We finished chapter 4 and we now have to do the vocab. I finished the vocab for chapter 4 and 5. I still have to finish reading chapter five and the novel! That is due tis week! I had fun on Wednesday, dressing up was fun! I was talking to my cousin about April 30th. I told her how that was a devil's holiday and how it connected with Hitler's death. The reading quiz we took was hard because, well I didn't read! I knew I made a mistake but I was just stressed out with other things. I need to start reading the books!


It wasn't like any other day we could wear our costumes and it was interesting looking at other girls costume. We continued with chapter 4 notes then Ms. Ingram gaved us chapters 4 and 5 vocab for homework not too manywords. I hope for chapter 5 quiz i read carefully and get a good grade on my quiz.


We took the chapter 4 quiz and it was not pretty. The reading is interesting but when it comes to quizes it's not that interesting. Happy because we were done with Ch. 3 and now go to chapter 4. It's really short.


On Monday i was nervous because I thought we had a quiz so I just read for nothing. Monday was a regular day finish chapter 3 notes. I looked over the calendar and Tuesday we have our Ch. 4 quiz.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ive been meaning to blog earlier on in the week but theres been so much h.w I havent really got the chance. Ugh and im so mad because of this weeks reading quiz that we got back. I read so many times and I still cant believe I didnt do good! I hope to do better on Mondays reading quiz.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Class today was great ... i really learned a lot i didn't think that the Germans took things that fare in kills of the Jews ...... They was really cold hearted they made dig there own ditch without them even knowing what was going on .... they even found a way to make a movable gas chamber which is something i never heard about . That was so mean i cant even see how people can live with them self's for doing others like that ...
Today was a good day. we took a quiz on Chapter 4, I think i did pretty good on that quiz. Chapter 4 is really short, and only 2 pages unlike the other notes that we've had on Chapters 1-3.
Today went well. We took a quiz on ch. 4. Which was really short. It was so short that it was only two pages of notes. We almost finished with the notes today in class. We just need one more slide for tomorrow. Seems like we moving on pretty fast. Good thing we start ch. 5 next week.

Monday, October 26, 2009

We got our notes back. After Ms Ingrem lost all her stuff she seem to recover everything she lost. And I do mean everything even the things she had already deleted. Anyways we finish with ch. 3. What I found introsting about this ch. was how the Nazi also killed the jews who smuggle food into the ghetto. Not only that but the people who helped them even if they weren't jew. The only people who would get punished but not killed were the Nazi.
Today was a great day! Now that exams are over I don't have to worry about being nervous for any tests/exams. We've completed Chapter 3 today, and will begin Chapter 4 tomorrow. We also watched a movie that was very sad, I don't remember the name of it. It was so sad how this woman was explaining how the Germans smashed and killed her bird until it was dead. Just listening to her pain and watching her re-tell that story, was really touching!


Well our Exams are over,but their is still much to come. i hope that i did well in my classes,i'll have to wait and see very nervous.

Holocaust Movie!!!!

The Video that we watched had me feeling bad for the people who had to go through all that ridiculous treatment.I don't feel that the Jews should have gone through all of that pain and suffering because of a group of people who did not like them. But to i was very happy that the people who were talking about this made it out safely, although many didn't.

Holocaust Movie!!!!

The video we watched was very touching i hate the fact that the Nazi's did that to those Children. In the Movie, the man talked about how a letter came to him house and it said that one of their Children had the chance to get on this boat and sail off to safety.He said that he chose to send his little sister because he felt that,that was the right thing to do.Then a second letter came, and said that another child could come, and get on this boat, this time he went, and he said that his father took him and when it was time to leave.He looked at his father,and they both knew that they were never going to see each other again.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Girl in the Red Coat

This story so far is a lot easier to read than Ghetto Diary.
I like it so far and I'm glad Ms. Ingram gave us more time to work on it so I don't have to rush through reading it :]

The movie

The movie/documentary we saw made me really sad and it was hard to watch.
But it was interesting all at the same time.
In the end I'm glad that the people in the documentary were able to get escape the Holocaust so that they could be one of the few to share their stories with the world.

Exam and Study Guide

I did both, well most of the study guide.
The test looked reeeaally familiar [;
I tried hard on it and it pretty much paid off.
I passed :D
Hopefully I what I did of the study guide is enough to boost my grade even if it's just a little bit.
I'm nervous for my final grade though :/
I really hate that the jews were put in nasty ghettos. How they really didnt have any room to put their belongings or even move around. It wrong how they were all of a sudden just kicked out of Germany with only the things they could really glad we do not have to go through what the jews had to go through.
I was so happy that I passed my Holocaust exam. I was kind of worried that I wasn't going to pass because I forgot some of the things that were on the study guide to answer the questions on the exam. I really hope I continue to do good in Holocaust and pass quizes and test.
The video in Holocaust class was very interesting on Friday. I thought it was going to be very boring but I learned some things. I thought it was sad how they used babies as target practice. Also how women were experimented on by the nazi or how they wasnt taken as real people.
On Friday when Ms.Ingram said we were going to watch a video I was thinking it was going to be really boring and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. But when we got to see that it was a documentary on survivors of the Holocaust and they were actually telling their story I bacame interested. The story that i liked the most was about the boy who got a chance to be saved after his sister. It was so sad when the boy knew that from the moment when he got on the train he wasn't ever going to see his father again. I thought that was so sad and I wouldnt even know what to have done if i was In any of those kids positions. They were so brave and I dont know If I would have been able to be that strong and brave.
So, Friday was a crazy day. I though we were going to do the same as everyday, take notes. Instead Ms. Ingrem had us watch a documentry. This was because she lost all her stuff on her computer. I though it was pretty funny. Anyways the video was very sad. I felt so bad for all those kids who weren't save. Hopefully by tomorrow Ms. Ingrem has everything back.
I was happy and relieved to see my exam grade. It was the class I was most worried about on Tuesday. Also Thank God I did good on Wednesday's reading quiz. I hope I do just as good on Mondays reading quiz. Again Ms. Ingram gave us a little more time to work on our reading project.:)

The Ghettos!

So the Ghettos were nasty! They were very dirty, crowded and depressing. When we were talking about how many people lived in a Ghetto Apartment, it seemed like they had no privacy. I would hate to live there! If i had to take whatever I can carry in my arms I think I would take clothes and Sanitary Napkins!! ;) That must suck for the women! Well I think that if I lived in that time I would want to just die and not live through all the drama!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

ON Wednesday and Thursday, we began the chapter 3 power point. It's crazy how Germany took over Poland in less than a month. Lodz Ghetto was the first made for the Jews. The Ghettos were unsanitary, run down, and over crowded.The walls were made from tombstones cemeteries that separated the Jews from the others. The Jews had to pay so the walls could be built.
On Tuesday, I was worried I was going to fail. When I saw the test, it looked very similar to the study guide. While I was taking the test, I got confused with the vocab.
Reading Chapter3 really upset me. i was shocked by the amount of food Jews were given each week. I felt bad when a boy got caught smuggling and was dying slowly because hes back bone was crushed. It was absurd how Orthodox Jews had their facial hair removed Nazi would cut them off with a bayonet, yanked them out to the root. and lit them in fire.
On Monday, I was happy that Ingram let us work on our study guide. It was very helpful I was pretty worried about the exam.

Friday, October 23, 2009


The exam was very similar to the study guide! I know I could have done better than what I got. I have started on my reading! I think that this book is better than the other one! The reading quiz was somewhat easy but I do not understand why I got some of it wrong! Ugh well next time I have to pay more attention to the details! Ingram gave us an extra week for our paper. I am happy because last weekend I was worried about the exams, I did not read much of the book! I should get started on that! :)
Well the week ended great.We seen a video today and it was nuch more intresting than any other video.Notes for chapter three was all review.We are still not done.chapter three was about the ghettos being established. Also about starvation and cold.Jews were forbidden to leave the ghetto without a permit.Many workers smuggeld whatever they were able to smuggle.Jews were crammed into ghettos.
WELL class on tuesday was horrible.The exam was hard i mean i realy didnt study.It was just like the study guide but was still hard.Hope am not in AA.The reading quiz seemed easy if you read the chapter.It was sad how they were treated.The vocabulary was not hard.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Only Cortney!!!

Well, I just went through last week's blogs--some are getting kinda short! More thinking, ladies!! :) Only ONE person did not blog last week--CORTNEY!!! What up girl?! Get it together!

Todays test I flet pretty confident. The part that kind of messed me up was when it came to the laws. Those are some pretty long names thats why it was hard for me to remember them. I hope tomorrows quiz is easy because i want to start off the quarter well.
Man today's test was everything on the study guide. When Ms. Ingrem took my study guide and handed me the test it was like starting all over. I did find it difficult because there was no multiple choice. There were to many things to remember. I really felt stress out with al these tests. But thank God there all over. Hopfully I'm not in AA.

Monday, October 19, 2009

In class today we had the entire time to do study guides.We were in small groups and that helped out a lot.Also we went over our week and it seems pretty packed.We love you Ms.Ingram for giving us a extra week to work on our Book review.Also i hope the test and study guide are very similar.Well am getting back to studying so i can pass my exam.


In class we had the entire period to work on our study guides or read one of our books or even work on one of our other study guides for another class. But of course it is always good to work on the study guide of the class that your in...............HI INGRAM.....:- )


In class on Friday we just went over our study guides. it's a very long study guide to but we have to do it right.can't wait until these exams are over.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday's class went well. We got to work on our study guides. Which was a good think. I took my time wisely and got a lot of it finish. Although I seem to have trouble fining the vocab. Its just that it all seem the same. Hopefully the test goes well. Which by the way I'm nervous.
Im mainly worried about this exam tuesday. Just about the vocab though. everything else should be fine.Thank God we had the weekend to study some more. Im still reading the novel and the whole time im reading it I just put myself in Roma's position and I think about what I would have done. Reading this book made me realize just how dangerous and scary Jews lived.
Friday's class was okay. I'm glad that Ingram let us work on our study guides. It was very helpful. I'm a bit worried about the exam, but i'm trying my best. Hopefully class tomorrow goes well.
Thursday's class went well. I learned a lot of things that Jews could not do. Once Kristallnacht was over, the Jews had to pay for all the damages. The Jews were given the silliest rules. Jews couldn't own radios, phones, pets, nor go to barbers/beauty salons and buy flowers. Even Jewish children six and older had to wear the Jewish star visible on thier clothing. A month later, Jews were forbidden to leave thier homes without permission. It's ridiculous that at one point "Jewish" pets couldn't not mate with "Aryan" pets.
Monday's class went well. We continued to review chapter 2. It's cruel that Jews could no longer work and were fired from their jobs, which led to financial problems and difficult to support their families. The Nuremberg Laws were harsh. Jews couldn't be married nor have any kind of relationship with a German or German blood related. Jews couldn't even have the German flag. Men had to add Isreal to their name and women had to add Sara, if their name wasn't recognized as a Jew. Jewish businesses had to be registered to the government, then had to be sold cheaply or given to a non-Jew. On Jews identity card, they had to have a "J" or "Jude" stamped on thier clothing.

The Girl in the Red Coat!

We recieved the book this week and I was skimming through and it seems better. I heard this one is more interesting than the Ghetto Diary one. I hope this one has more interesting stories. I am going to start reading it tonight to see how it is. I am still stressing out because o four exam!

This Exam!!

Okay I am Very scared because I heard that the exam is just like the study guide. I hope that Ingram doesn't change anything because I would really want to just study the study guide like that. I hope that all of us do well on it bacause I think that it will bring many of us down. I guess I really care for me the most. As long as I don't panic, I will be fine! :)


I was very upset when I heard that the animals wer also being discriminated! I don't see how little animals can do anything wrong, like kill Hitler. I am glad we finally finished chapter two notes this week. For some reason, it was taking us for ever! It seems like we havn't had a full week of class! I am very scared for this exam. I hope I pass it without any problems!!
Am glad we finished chapter two notes.I really liked that we had the time to study together on friday.I cant believe that even the Jewish and the german dogs couldnt be together.I think that is stupid.How do they know who is what.Our exam is on tuesday i hope everyone passes.So we need to study.
WELL this week was pretty crazy.On tuesday and wednesday we have no class.Omg the study guide is pretty long.The great thing is that its extra credit yea. But i am going to hope to finish it and start studying tonight.Also i got the book i am beginning to read it. It seems better than the other one.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Im almost done with my Holocaust study guide:) Im glad we have the whole weekend to study for this exam cause i need all the time i can get for this class. Im still reading the novel & i still love it. I hope to atleast get through half of it this weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today we fianlly finished ch two notes. I can't believe that there were jewish and polish animals. Ms. Ingrem said that not even them could be together. I though it was pretty dumb. But kind of funny on how the people back in the day though. After all class went well I'm glad that the study guide is extra credit.


I'm really happy because we are finish with chapter two. I hope I pass the exam I really need to study I have plenty of time.


Monday was a normal day for me. We went over notes trying to finish chapter two. By the way I have a complain it was shadow day and there were two shadows and they got me on my nerves. Anyway Ms. Ingram pass the study guides and it doesn't look really bad. That was all for Monday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm a LITTLE Behind!

I just finished looking over the blogs from LAST week! Thanks to everyone who did what they needed to do! BUT there was nothing from Berducido, Jelly, Ariel and Maya!!!!!!! Not good you four!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today we also didn't have class because of wellness day. Which by the way it was pretty introsting. I really felt that I got to learn a lot about myself. The people really seem nice and tried to answer your question the best way they could. I guess that we will see each other until Thursday.
So, yesterday I was absent. I really don't know how things went. Rather or not we took notes or how long is the study guide. Since their was people with shadows. Hopefully things didn't go as far because it seems since forever that Ibeen in that class.
My book The girl in the Red coat finally came in. I started reading it a little while ago and all I can say is that I love it already. It's so sad that a girl as small as she is knows so much. Its also cute but also sad how innocent and curious Roma's questions are. Ms. Ingram made a good choice picking THIS book. Something that struck me was that Roma said that her grandmother described to her what a bunny looked like but she hopes to one day see a bunny. I never really knew how much of someones child hood was taken away until i started reading this book.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm sad I missed the class today...

three more blogs

I have three more blogs with nothing to say. The only thing I do have to say is that Ms. Ingram's favorite quote is brutal & deep.

I feel special

When going over the power point, I highlighted important dates....I know how you like to be specific Ms. Ingram :)

October 12

We went over more of the power point from last week

Hey, Hey, Hey

yeah, yeah what is up?! It's Ziggy back on the crazy train. I know I've missed like five blogs so I'm coming back.
This week seems like it will be a great one. We kept on going over the power point for chapter two. Its crazy how the nuremberg laws worked.I never knew if your grandparents were Jews then you were a Jew.Even if you called yourself a Jew then you were a Jew.The picture in the power point was it talking about the Germans or who was it talkin about.The study guide was very long but at least it's for extra credit.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Our papers were do but, thanks that you gave us till midnight. Thursday no class yup college fair. It was great I had time to talk to the rep. Friday Juniors retreat it was great. Saturday do homework and reap Ch.3 but, I quite didn't get what it said. Sunday try to finish my studyguides from my other classes. Hopefully you give us ours tomorrow.


I think this is only the day we took a break over notes. That's great. Great that we were in a group and we had a change to talk about it and have discussions over it.


Basically on Monday at the beginning went well going thru the fun activities the girls did during the weekend.Finally, a lot of notes Ms. Ingram when are we going to finish talking about Hitler the notes are so boring.
I'm glad we are done with the Ghetto Diary. It was a very confusing and boring book. Hopefully the other book is interesting and not confusing. Im' looking forward to tomorrow's class, especially since it's shadow day. I hope we don't have to learn about Hitler anymore because he's just full of himself and doesn't make sense.
Ingram gave us a powerpoint on Ch. 2. We gave to review on this chapter again. I learned a lot about Hitler's childhood. Now I know why Hitler was the way he was. It's ironic how he was involved in many battles, but wasn't hurt. When he was badly injured, he didn't die. After everything he went through, he was still alive. I guess that's why he thought he was like a "God". He's crazy because he wanted to go to war on the holidays and on days he wasn't suppose to go.
Last week's class was okay, even though it was short. I'm very happy Ingram extended the deadline for the ppt/paper. That was very helpful. When it came down to writing the ppt, it was pretty easy. It was kind of Ingram to give us time during class to work on the pplt/paper. Rather than, take notes and go over her ppt.
Well, on Friday we didn't have class. For one the Jrs had their retreat and we had big sister little sister. So their was no reason to move on without the other half of the class. Which I feel that we haven't had class since forever. Hopfully Ms. Ingrem gives us our study guides this week because I feel that this test is going to be hard. So that way I have time to study.
I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! I need to get on this...the class is going well but I'm kind of nervous for quarter exams!!
Quarter exams are next week. Holocaust is actually one of the classes im worried about. Only beause I know Ms.Ingram gets really specific with dates and names and thats what worries me. I already ordered me other novel I can't wait to start reading it:).
Even though the powerpoints we've been going through in class are very long for the most part its interesting. Something interesting that i learned on Thursday that the reason Dachau was built was people from prisons were trying to escape and jails were starting to get over crowded. Its scary that the people living in Germany were basically helpless. Like i cant even imagine how that would feel like because not even the police could be depended on for protection.

Dec. 3rd :D

I can't wait until we go to the museum :D
When I heard about it last year I wanted to go so bad, but I heard they were all booked :/
So I'm glad Ingram called sooo much ahead of time for us :D
I really appreciate it and you don't know how excited I am Ingram, thanks.
But I'm scared I might not be so happy when we get there, because it might make me sad :/

Ghetto Diary

This story had me very confused and I had to look up a lot of things to understand it.
But I still did my project in time :]
In the end I really appreciate what Korczak did, it makes me want to be more like that.
It makes me want to help out those in need more like he did.
He even died with them when he had the chance to leave, I know most people would do that too, but only so many are remembered :/
Korczak is one of the lucky ones to have been discoverd.

Chapter 3

This chapter was baout where the Jews were living during the times of the war. The ghettos were very "poor" living.THe Jews had a regulsr life style. They worked and lived with eachother. This chapter discribed how the religious men dressed. The three reasons why the Germans made the Jews were because there were too many of them. Another reason is because the land was very vast. In other words, the land was very seperated. The Germans believed that a good way to use that space was to create the Ghettos. It was not a very interesting chapter.


It's kind of hard to remeber what we did this week because it went by real fast. But I do remeber we talked about Hitler....a lot. :/
Hitler's creepy and the perfect person for the job he did.
It seems like no other spoiled brat would have been able to really start what he had started.
It impressed me how he rose from lame to fame.
Then again I guess it was his destiny to do what he does, and ours to realize the hate to the Jews is simple stupidity and they nothing different from anyone else.
I know maybe it shouldn't have taken 6million people to die for us to realize that, but then again think about it, how long has the hate gone on.
Maybe God was saying "fine you hate them so much, I'm sending Hilter" and then we all took it back.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I was reading chapter three today and it seemed pretty interesting because it talks about the Ghettos.It talks about what the Jews did in there cities.Also talks about what the most religious men wore in a rgular bases.It explained some diseases that were making people sick.Also talked about all the smuggling going on in the ghettos.Chapter three seems very long.
Well this week was very short.I was very stressed in your class becuase of the book review due.That book was very borng.Well i should say it had its parts some parts were intresting some were not.Also we had lots of notes about Adolf Hitler.The chapter two power point was not bad.And it was pretty much talking about the important parts of the chapter.
I am glad this week was short. It was much better when the presentation was turned in. I felt a lot of wheight that just came off of me! I think that we are getting to the interesting parts. I hope that the next two books are more interesting.


This week was very stressful. I really think that the book was boring. I can recall many times that I fell asleep reading a few pages. I guess the outline of the story was meaningful but the words, were boring. The fact that he was very caring and loving to the kids really toughed my heart. A few times while reading the book, I would forget what it was talking about. :) I am just glad that I turned in my presentation and don't have that on my mind anymore. I am selling that book and not hinking about it anymore!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thank God that reading project is over! That book was sooo boring but im glad its over and done with. Hopefully next book will be more exciting. Im glad this week ended quickly:).


there was more notes.
and more notes.
u extended our deadline! so i'm so happy.
it was a hard book to write on
but i got it done!

like an hour before it was due, but hey i still did it.


I don't have say this but is true we always have notes in Holocaust. It's fine with me but it gets me really sleepy. The paper or the project were due and I hope Ms. Ingram got my power point. Thats all that I can remember.

Tuesday's clase

More Notes on Ch.2 in the smoke and ashes book.
Ms. Ingram is so awesome because she gave us an extension on the power point.
man that book kicked my butt! it was so0o hard to read


More notes, but Ms. Ingram as a good person that she is, she gave us time to work on the project. The other good thing that she told us that it had to be before midnight so that gave me more time to work on it and get a computer. I was so happy :) . The good thing is that I really utilize that time of period.

Monday's class

Monday's class was just pretty much long boring notes on Hitler.
Hitler despised all jews yet he won an iron cross that was given to him by a jew.
But, ofcourse he doesnt seem to remember that..
ughh Hitler is such a pain.. =[


More notes, and a really interesting thing I learned was that a Jew gave Hitler the Iron Cross after the war. That is the only thing i can remember about Monday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More notes, thats what class was about today. The class seem to take forever. I guess it was because we mostly take a look at notes like everyday. Well at least thats a good thing becuase all we have to do is pay very close attention. So that way we do good on our test which is coming soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yesterday class was great. We took more notes on Adolf Hitler boring but ok i was really wanting to take a nap. But today class was very good. We got to help each other out with the book. The ghetto diary was kind of confusing. I enjoyed class today because we helped each other out with questions we didnt get. Also i cant believe we will be re reading chapter 2 again ughh killing me.
Class today was not like any other class day. We got to take a break from notes. So instead we got to talked about the book we need to read. It seem that many people didn't like the book. I though it was pretty confusing. I guess it was because it used many polish and jewish words. My group that I was in also though the seem thing. Hopefully the next book goes by much better.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Today was a pretty good day. we talked about how everyone's weekend went, and more about Hitler. I find it very interesting that a Jew recommended Hitler to have the Iron Cross medal first class. I want to know what would Hitler have done if he found out that a Jew recommended him?! Taco also made a good point today, if Hitler was an artist how come he didn't create his own sign?! well I'll tell you, Hitler is one confusing man!
So, I hadn't been able to blog because it didn't let. Which I don't know why. But anyways today's class was all about Hitler's notes. The notes were almost about Hitler being involved in wars. I can't belive the man never wanted to go home during the war. Also that he did many paintings during the time he was in the war. The man was a freak. Anyways if he wasn't a freak maybe we wouldn't be learnind about him.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Omg. Ms. Ingram thanks that we just talk about the Olympics. Yes, I am happy Chicago lost because if they won things are eventually going to increase. My prediction was right I told my sister that Brazil will win. Guess what they WOn!
Changing the Theme: The book Ghetto Diary is a boring diary. I think comparing Anne Frank Diary I think that is the best one.


We watched a movie Hitler. It was basically about his childhood, the concentration camps. Eventually I didn't get some parts were they were showing his little baby picture.


I think I get a reason why Hitler started to dislike Jews. I guess is because the doctor that was taking care of his mother couldn't do nothing much. As I think further there's nothing in the world that just for that he has the power to treat other people like that when non- of other are blame just for that occasion.


Ms. Ingram why do we have to learn more about Hitler. Why a lot of Info. I still don get why is he so special that he is mention on every path of the Holocaust. Any who, something that got on my head was that Hitler was a mamas boy and so far he wasn't treated fairly that his dad was a violent man. Specially, it was weird about how come he or other misspelled the last name and that's the reason why Adolf got Hitler. I have some ideas why Hitler became a mean guy. I guess everything was because of his childhood. Sometimes I think he was attracted to guys instead of girls.


Monday was a short class. The movie World at War was quiet interesting specially because Adolf Hitler was refer as a great political leader and how he had celebrate his years.
Im close to being done with Gheto Diary but God its just so boring! There will be like one interesting diary entry and i expect the follwing entries to be just as good but theyre not. I hope the next novel we read is better and I actually enjoy reading it.


Hitler was really crazy. He didn't want people to tell him what to do he was a real hot head. He didn't listen to anyone he tried to rule everyone because after his father died he became the haed of the house and i think that it went to his head and he becam e a whole new person.He began to be so bad he started doing evil things to other kids, and just was so mean. I think that this was the beginning of the new Hitler.


We watched a movie on Hitler. when he was young, Hitler seemed to be a sweet little boy he really didn't do anything wrong, but when his father died he had to step up and become the man of the house. He moved from school to school. He finally settled at a school and after getting settled in he acted like a fool in school he became the class clown.He didn't listen to people, he didn't follow their rules he wanted to do everything his way or it was the highway.
The video we watched on Thursday did have a few interesting things in it. Two of the things I thought was the most interesting was that there was this famous magician/psychic who helped Hitler by exaggerating what he saw in his "visions" and claiming he knew what Jews could bring to the future and Germans actually believed that. Another interesting thing that i learned was that Hitler might have chose purposly April 30th as the day to die because it was a day celebrated for the devil and he wanted to give up his soul to the devil. I bet it was true.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Omg...I was reading the power point hand out on Adolf Hitler he did a lot of cray things. I never knew that Aadolf Hilter never got wounded he always escaped. But one day he did get hurt becasue he didnt have time to escape. He wa so cruel. I never knew he also took charge of the Party Propaganda the year 1920. That is crazy. Why did Hitler act so cruel to so many people. That is why no one liked Adolf Hitler.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Class was okay. Watching the video was okay. I'm kind of happy Chicago lost becuase it can cause several problems. Having the olypmics can cause problems with transportation. It's not a good time to have any big event here because of the economy. I also heard that Chicago could have been a target for terrorism. We didn't do much in class today. We mainly just talked about the olympics. I've been reading "Ghetto Diary" and I don't really understand it.


I really can't remember what happend tuesday. Well I know Ms. Ingram was presenting her power point and it was the life of Adolf Hitler so interesting. I don't know why some of the girls were complaining but it was interesting.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hitler and the occult

Today we saw a movie about Hitler's life. He was the cutest baby! what happened? anyways, he took the swastikka from an Indian symbol which means wealth or something. I totally couldn't believe it (the meaning anyway).

I missed yesterday so...

Ok, so we learned a bit more about Hitler's life. That's all I remember from yesterday.
Today's class was okay. we watched a movie about Adolf Hitler, it was kind of boring. I don't understand how someone who dropped out of school can be so (I don't want to say successful!!), but can be so well known. for example, when Hitler was chancellor/leader. he dropped out of school, and he became a chancellor? I find that to be quite ironic. the movie also showed his baby picture, he looked even scarier when he was a baby!
Todays class was bornig we missed u Ms.Ingram. Also about Yesterday's notes they were pretty crazy. I never imagined Adolf Hitler living the bad life. I tought he lived the good life but seems like he didnt. It is crazy how he was form shelter to shelter. And asking for food. If he had hopes why did he loose them and drop out of school for. The video was very crazy Adolf Hitler scared me.
Crazy video today. Hitler was a freak! Freak of nature much?? YES!