Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More Hitler notes today. Thats what today was about. We found out more things about Hitler. Things like why maybe he didn't like Jews. Even more so we found out that Hitler wasn't always doing good. He was out in the streets homeless and going to soup kitchens begging for food. I couldn't belive it when Ms. Ingram told us this. I though Hitler had always lived the googd life. Since he grew up living the good life. I guess that everyone goes through a ruff time a least once in their life time.
Today's class went really well. We found out more things about Hilter, like what lead him to dislike Jews. for example the doctor that couldn't do anything to help Adolf's mother, he was a Jew. I kind of feel bad for Hitler, like when his sibilings died at an early age, his father was an alcoholic, his mother died, and he wasn't able to become an artist. although I do feel bad for him, that still doesn't give him the right to treat others wrong.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Today's class went incredibly well. I learned so many things about Adi and his family. It's sad that he lost some of his siblings when they were young. Adolf was young when his siblings past away. For example, his brother Edmund died because he got the measels at age 6. I agree with Mireya and Erika. I have a better understanding on why Adolf acted "immature" and as if he didn't care during the Holocaust. I didn't know that his "father" drank a lot and was very strict and cruel. I knew Adolf had a rough childhood, but some things were knew to me. I knew he loved to draw and wanted to become an artist. I didn't know that Adolf dropped out of school at age 16. I also didn't know he had a problem getting girls. Like what he did to Stephanie; following her around was creapy. I didn't know that he would "stalk" her. I was shocked when he "passed" a French exam only if he didn't return to the school. That was just sad.
I agree with Mireya's post. Today's class really helped me to better understand why Hitler was so messed up. Honestly, a part of me wanted to laugh at all of the bad things that happened to him in his childhood and younger years, because he deserves all of he bad after everything he did. But at the same time I feel guilty because I think that if maybe just one of those events hadn't happened, his path might have be different and a whole culture wouldn't have been so drastically decreased in population. It pains me to think about not only all of the individual lives that were lost because of Hitler's traumatic childhood, and it is sad and enraging to think that he took all of his sorrows out on people who had done absolutely nothing wrong. I also thought it was really interesting that his last name was meant to be Hiedler. And I totally understand that now we have negative associations with the word or name "Hitler" bc we all know who he is and all of the atrocities he committed., but at the same time, I feel like it still works out. Like if his name had been Hiedler, it wouldn't have that "ring" to it and there is just something about hearing Hitler that sends a chill up my spine. Anyway, I wonder what the world would be like now if Hitler had just gotten some extremely necessary therapy. That is one of the worst parts. Wondering how things would be different. I'm sure the Jewish population today wouldn't be so low. There are so little Jews out there in comparison to the number of people in the world, I think it's around 13 million which is only a bit over double of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, and that makes me mad bc it didn't have to be that way. But overall, great class! Really kept my attention today!! :)
today we learned about Early Adolf Hitler. He wasn't a bad kid. His family was a bit disfunctional. His father was a abusive drunk, and that was okay for society during that time.
Todays class went really well. Everything we learned about Hitlers childhood really gave me a better of understanding of why he might have done some of the things he did. I guess I can see why Hitler had so many issues. One of the most interesting things I learned today was that Hitlers original last name was supposed to be spelled Hiedler but because of a spelling error it became Hitler. Todays lesson just really gave me a better understanding of Hitler.
I can't believe the history of the Shicklgruber family. How can the mom have so many issues? Now I think I can see why he behaved the way that he did. I don't agree that it is an excuse, but the dad is a jerk. I love saying the last name because it sounds very funny. I can't picture our books or the people talking about Adolf Shicklgruber. I can see how he was a very demanding boy and it fit his attitude of taking power. I would hate to have him in class. Although I believe Ms. Ingram would smak that attitude out of him. :D Ingram or Thompson would not allow that kind of behavior! I think that another reason why he behaved lkike that was because he felt very powerful with having control at home. I cannot picture my little brother being the "man" of the household. I would not let him. I wonder when we would finish this set of notes. It is incredible the number of slides it takes to talk about Adolf Shicklgruber Hitler. :D
Very Interesting!
Today's lesson was a very interesting topic. We talked about Hitler, I kind of thought he was going to a boring person to talk about. I found out some funny, disturbing, and confusing things about him and his family. His last name is supposed to be Heidler, but people spelled it wrong and it became Hitler. the thing that kind of surprised me the most was, Adolf used to sing in the choir, now he doesn't look like he would enjoy that. But hey I guess you never judge a book by its cover!
Well class today was intresting. I learned a lot about Adolf Hitler i never knew. I never knew he had a pretty messed up childhood. My question is why was his dad so rude and violent. Adolf Hitler had so many brothers but some died at an early age. Was that because of the way they were living or for other reasons. Why did people celebrate his birthday if they didnt like him.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Today's class was nice and short. We finally finished the hero/villian powerpoint presentations. Amber's powerpoint was great, except I wanted to see more pictures. The video was okay. It's surprising how Hitler's birthday was celebrated. I agree with Brianna. It seemed like Hitler's birthday was celebrated as if it were a National holiday, that's ridiculous. I've been wanting to go to the Holocaust museum.
Yo, Yo, Yo!
We had about 30 mins or less of class today. It was awesome; Amber did her pp on Elie Wiesel. Ms. Ingram passed out a new pp on the life of stupid Hitler. I must say I am not too anxious to learn about him.
Short class period
Today we had a short class period, although it didn't seem short. We seen the last presentation of the Hero/Villian presentation, and we also finished watching the move "The World at War". I found it to be quite interesting the way they celebrated Hitler's birthday, it was like a national holiday.
Class today was very good and short. Also i really liked Amber's presentation. I never knew taht her guy is still alive. Never tought that people who were in the Holocaust are actually still alive. I am looking forward to going to the Holocaust museum. Ohh and about the Movie so there was a lady in the movie she was married to Erica's guy she did her project on. So we are actually going to start a big power point on Adolf Hitler. When did he die? In teh movie they spoke about hpw they did a fifty year old birthday celebration for Adolf Hitler.
Monday 9-28
Just finished looking these over. Some of you are doing a WONDERFUL job!!! Others are not writing enough and SOME are not writing AT ALL!!!! Make sure to do your blogging!!!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday24 and Friday 25
Finally, I went on Thursday about time.
I was happy that we are over presentations.
Amber's turn only.
I don't know what day it was that we were watching a movie. I don't if you saw Ms. Ingram but, for the first time ever I was falling asleep in your class.
The movie was kind off boring and not understandable.
Thank you for leaving us a week more for our projects to be do.
I was happy that we are over presentations.
Amber's turn only.
I don't know what day it was that we were watching a movie. I don't if you saw Ms. Ingram but, for the first time ever I was falling asleep in your class.
The movie was kind off boring and not understandable.
Thank you for leaving us a week more for our projects to be do.
Wednesday 23
I think it was a bad day because I think everyone was sleepy. Happy we are over notes from chapter one now Chapter two to go. not much to say about this day.
Monday 21 and Tuesday 22
Week to worry specially Monday and Tuesday because it was progress reports. Omg!! First period I had a D, Just thinking of that I really didn't care what were my grades on my other classes bacuase I have AA. It got me happy to know that I have a better grade. Specially that my grade went up a bit. I think is the taughest class Like in Quizzes. Tuesday happy we didn't have presentation. Unhappy :[ because we had it to read.
Those non-ayans were so fake how could you like someone who did such cruel things. How could you want to be uo in the face of someone who treats God's people that way.
In Holocaust we watched a movie, in the movie Hitler was really crazy. I no that the i no all about the Concentration camps, but to actually see Hitler putting the Jews in them is crazy. He was out there living the life, and having a good-old-time while these people had to suffer that was so wrong. I wonder if the tables were turned, and the Jews didn't like the Germans, and put them in Concentration Camps they would feel stupid.
What I want to know is If Jews were tortured and put to death during the Holocaust because "they rejected Jesus" and whatever other dumb reasons Germans had to dislike them why wouldnt it be allowed today for another Nationality to go over there and torture all the Germans. Im not saying that should happen but im just curious to why that wouldn't be allowed today. Im sure theres still people in Germany who still think what Hitler did was right but I would like to know how they would feel if they knew the same torure was coming to them.
I actually liked last weeks class in Holocaust because i finally did good on the reading quiz. Also my progress report came out good for Holocaust and all the presentations are finished. Another good thing that happened in class is that we finished Ms.Ingrams powerpoint. But MY personal favorite was that she gave us an extra week to read out book:).
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday's class was somewhat boring but some of the video was interesting. I was laughing when I heard that song about Hitler. They were saying how much they love Adolf Hitler. The other day we were talking about Hitler in religion. We were saying that it is not right for Hitler to be able togo to heaven. I agree but i guess Mr. SHelton doesn't. I was happy to present my powerpiont. Although I realized I kept repeating my self. Oh well I am happy I'm done with that.
WELL class was good. I tought the quiz was a bit hard but i guess i need to reread some more. Also i was very mixed up with dates. Powere points when good i never knew that Dachau was the first concentration camps. Oh when is Amber going to do her power point. I am really excited to see it. I am also glad we are finished with chapter one. I dont think its perfect Hitler was in a nice prison. I believe he should have beene treated like all other prisoners.
Friday, September 25, 2009
These past days have gone well. The quiz was pretty easy, except i got mixed up with dates. The powerpoints have been really good. I'm glad we finally finished Ingram's powerpoint. The video was okay, but some parts were kind of boring. It's crazy how the "non-Aryan" people praised Hitler. I just think Hitler, the Nazis, and "his followers" are full of it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today was a great day! I'm so happy that I was finally able to present today. Everyone did a great job on their presentations, I'm very proud!
today in class
well today was much better than yesterday
we mostly just tried to finish up with the power points and jackie wanted to like so do her power point really bad and yeah she did and class went well today. we didnt take notes or anything so yeah that was awesome.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Finishing Ch. 1 power point
We stated learning more facts about Adlof Hitler. Before his last name changed, it was Schickel gruber. I learned that because of inflation, Germany was vulnerable for a leader; Hitler was the person for that.
Well what happened with presentations today....
Yes I am glad we are over with the little quiz it was great. I also believe that Adolf Hitler was wrong why didnt he want to touch Jesse Owens hand. To be honest i tought it was because he was against Adolf Hitler. But when reading about it i found out it was becasue he was a black man. Also i didnt know that Hitler was not his real name. The real name is pretty long. I had a question when did teh Boycott happened i tought it was on May something but guess that wasnt it. Hope we see more presentations tomorrow and finish notes.
Yes I am glad we are over with the little quiz it was great. I also believe that Adolf Hitler was wrong why didnt he want to touch Jesse Owens hand. To be honest i tought it was because he was against Adolf Hitler. But when reading about it i found out it was becasue he was a black man. Also i didnt know that Hitler was not his real name. The real name is pretty long. I had a question when did teh Boycott happened i tought it was on May something but guess that wasnt it. Hope we see more presentations tomorrow and finish notes.
I like what we are getting into. This is the information I like, the Holocaust. I just don't like how how all the Jews were treated. I don't agree with Hitler, if he was also considered a Jew, why would he treat them that way? I know that he wasn't the only one who was behind the entire thing. I still think that they should have been treated the same way. Hitler was no one to treat any person like that. In the quiz, I think I got like a few wrong because I mixed up two dates. I was so happy (again) with my grade, that's why I don't want to do bad in this class. I have been wanting to do my power point presentation. Ms. Ingram has not been letting me do it. ;}
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today's class was good. The vocabulary was pretty long, but easy. Chapter 2 reading really disturbed me. The popular children's game "Get the Jews Out" was just absurd. I'm surprised they even made a game out of that. That's just ridiculous. The Kristallnacht, "The Crystal Night", really upset me. It's crazy how one Jew ruins it for all the Jews. Just because one Jew tried to stand up for themselve, doesn't mean they have to burn down houses, shops, and synogogues. That night just went over board. The Nuremberg Laws were also over the top. It's preposterous that non-Jews or related blood can't have any type of relationship with a Jew. The citizenship part was riduiculous. But telling someone who they can't be with is too much. Burning 70,000 tons of books is unbelievable. All those books burned were made by a Jew or Jews.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's class. This is the interesting things I wanted to get to.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's class. This is the interesting things I wanted to get to.
Class was good today. It was nice to have time to catch up and read and focus on it. I started highlighting in my book which I feel is helpful but I hope it is for the quiz tomorrow. The chapter we read was disturbing though. The pictures of the Hitler youth standing around watching Jews scrub the floors made me cry. It doesn't make sense to me.
My hand was killing me today in class. A lot of vocab words. but I was still happy with my grade for Holocaust:). Okay chapter two in Smoke and Ashes just made me so mad! Like I don't see how its possible for everyone in Germany to just agree with everything that was going on. Something new i learned was that there was a board game for German kids known as "Get the Jews out". Another thing that just really caught my attention was that on Kristallnacht that orders were given to all officers at police stations all over the country. This whole chapter just kept me shocked.
Such a long day!
Today was a long day, we had a longer class period in Holocaust. we did vocab for chapter 2 and progress reports. I have to do better , I hope everyone does well on their presentations!
Progress reports
We did ch 2 vocab today. I learned about the anti-semetic news papers, more detail in the crystal night, and the nuremberg laws. I learned that when people saw Hitler, they cried like girls to The Beatles.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm glad I finally presented my powerpointt; that really took most of the stress away. Class was nice and short. I really want to finish "The Roots" notes already. I want to get into the interesting things already, to the actual Holocaust. I've been reading "Ghetto Diary". It's pretty interesting. At first I was a little confused, but as I continue to read it makes more sense.
Today's class was very short. The presentations were good. The seem very introtesting. Although I feel that Rosio went to fast. But I did like her power point. I can't waite to see who goes next tomorrow because there's not that much people left. Even though the class is longer hopfully it goes by much faster and that people don't end up in AA.
Memorable Parts
The thing I remember the most about today's class is Rocio's power point and Jelly's presentation. We are almost finished with "The Roots" power point, but gues what? we have more right after this.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday 18
Ms. Ingram as I was paying atttention to all power point all most the Villain were almost like my villain Adolf Eichmann. Some ran away to another part of the world. Some were killed. Some killed them self. Some had almost the same info. Hitler this Hitler that. Heroes everywhere but, theres one different detail some care some don't.
I am happy Power Point are almost over.
Sad to continue the notes.
By the way I berely got the book "GHETTO DIARY" on tuesday but, I haven't get started to much work. But, like I say do it a head off time when you have been ask. So (I, you) don't do everything at the last minute
I am happy Power Point are almost over.
Sad to continue the notes.
By the way I berely got the book "GHETTO DIARY" on tuesday but, I haven't get started to much work. But, like I say do it a head off time when you have been ask. So (I, you) don't do everything at the last minute
Thursday 17
Papers are due. Happy to turn my paper on time and did it. Ms. Ingram I don't know the reason why you didn't get my e-mail ,but any who the good thing I send it again and you got it. Power point continue. This day a lot of power points and hard to understand. It's great that you like to get us nervous and make us suffer. :]
Monday14 & Tuesday15
I was worry about being the first one to present my PowerPoint but, I was lucky this whole week. All PowerPoint were good specially it seems that Mireya had the easiest one. By the way those papers were hard. Were harder because the day was coming fast. The good thing Ms. Ingram gave us until Thursday and I felt relief. Specially when Chemistry was due on Thursday but, I learned not to do everything until the last day. Do it when they start you off.
Ive been reading Ghetto Diary and the beginning was kind of confusing me but its now making a bit more sence. I think it was Thursday in religion class we were reading a passage from the bible and it was talking about how Jesus was angry at these specific Jews because they had dissobeyed him or something like that and Mr.Shelton told us that Hitler used that exact passage and told Germans that Jesus felt that way about ALL Jews.
the last one
finally the last blog untill next week. i hope class tomorrow will be fun not sying that it isnt but just not let it be like fridays class. i hope i dont go tomorrow to give my powerpoint. hopefully i week goes fast.
# 2
okay well the presentations were good i liked mireyas. am nervous to do mine but ill be happy when i do it because ill know its over. i not want to go to school tomorrow i just want to stay home. i ahd an okay weekend its was fun.
More Presentations
A lot of people did their presentations already.
And so far they've all been good and pretty interesting :]
I like that most of them have details and weird interesting stories.
For example Erika's had the story that the parents both killed their kids and then committed suicide, why did the kids have to die?
I understand that they were crazy and evil, but i guess they were that evil to kill their own kids.
And so far they've all been good and pretty interesting :]
I like that most of them have details and weird interesting stories.
For example Erika's had the story that the parents both killed their kids and then committed suicide, why did the kids have to die?
I understand that they were crazy and evil, but i guess they were that evil to kill their own kids.
Well I already did my presentation and my paper.
My presentation went by pretty well, except I didn't know that there was a conspiracy that Rudolf had been murdered D:
AND that he was the only prisoner in that prison.
To be honest I probably would've committed suicide too if I was going to be stranded alone for the rest of my life with no hope what so ever :/
My presentation went by pretty well, except I didn't know that there was a conspiracy that Rudolf had been murdered D:
AND that he was the only prisoner in that prison.
To be honest I probably would've committed suicide too if I was going to be stranded alone for the rest of my life with no hope what so ever :/
Im really looking foward to class on Monday. I can't wait to here about what happens to the Jews and when they are going to actually be accepted by the Germans. im really having a hard time trying to find that book ghetto diairies. The book is in no borders book stores and the only way to get the book is if you order the book.
I really liked some of the powerpoints that were presented last week. I learned alot of new things about people in the Holocaust that I've only heard about. It was sad how some of the Jews were being killed by some of the villians, but it was also good that some of the heroes in the Holocaust tried to help the Jews. I think some of the villians in the Holocaust got what they deserved after everything they did.
So class on Friday was okay.
Ingram was nice enough to give us a few minutes of freedom.
Those notes were horendous, but we don't really have a choice.
We were all tired and not really there, but in Ingram's class we dont really have a say in what to do.
Looking forward to Monday's class and hope its eye opening.
Until next week bye.!
Ingram was nice enough to give us a few minutes of freedom.
Those notes were horendous, but we don't really have a choice.
We were all tired and not really there, but in Ingram's class we dont really have a say in what to do.
Looking forward to Monday's class and hope its eye opening.
Until next week bye.!
I didn't get to hear really any power point presentations, but from the few that i heard i liked the were really good, and they explained it very well. There were a lot of information, and a lolt of pictures................Well done Class.
part two.
So the presentations were good and interesting.
Although I had a malfunction in spelling the name correctly, I feel I did an awesome job.
I enjoyed to see the creative points people hadused to describe friendships and what not.
I can't wait to see what the others looklike. I hope they're interesting as well.
Although I had a malfunction in spelling the name correctly, I feel I did an awesome job.
I enjoyed to see the creative points people hadused to describe friendships and what not.
I can't wait to see what the others looklike. I hope they're interesting as well.
Friday's class didn't go like i wanted it to. I wish i could rewind and start over i didn't like hoe my power point went i should of had a lot more information, and i should have explained it better,but i really didn't happen that way so i'll have to make up for that.
So I started reading the book and I find it somewhat interesting.
I don't understand much and feel like maybe I should read the prologue. Maybe that would help.
I think I'll enjoy this book very much, but I don't understand the language often.
All I need is google or a Polish to English dictionary right next to me and I'm all good.
So let me hurry with these bloga since I need to get back to Chicago ASAP.
I don't understand much and feel like maybe I should read the prologue. Maybe that would help.
I think I'll enjoy this book very much, but I don't understand the language often.
All I need is google or a Polish to English dictionary right next to me and I'm all good.
So let me hurry with these bloga since I need to get back to Chicago ASAP.
Im glad i finally presented. Im also glad Erika enjoyed my powerpoint i hope others did as well. I don't know if im more worried to see my grade on my paper or my grade on my progress report:0. One interesting/disturbing fact that I Learned on Friday was that the gravestones of Jews were sometimes used on the roads. I can't even see how that could be allowed.
Friday's class seem pretty good. I really liked the power points. They seem really introsting.
But when we got to the notes I felt that it was to much. It seem that we have been doing notes all day long. I guess it was because they are all done by power points and they all seem like notes. At least we're almost done with the presentations. Anyways see You guys tomorrow.
But when we got to the notes I felt that it was to much. It seem that we have been doing notes all day long. I guess it was because they are all done by power points and they all seem like notes. At least we're almost done with the presentations. Anyways see You guys tomorrow.
Oh and before I peace out I also want to say that Mireya's powerpoint was amazing! Well I have to say that all of them have been pretty great, but her's was my favorite. It was very cool that she got to do research on such a special place. And I feel like she really did it justice because it made me want to visit. I'm scared to see what I get on my paper because I worked hard on it and used the same methods I learned with Ms. Gebel last year in English so I hope that payed off!
Shana Tova to the whole class!!
This means Happy New Year...I thought it might be nice to mention that it is the Jewish New year this weekend. We've just enetered the year 5770! How crazy is that! So Rosh Hashanah started Friday night and goes through Sunday because of the way the new day begins at sundown in Judaism. I attented services last night for the first night, and that was pretty cool. I think it would be interesting and fun to talk more about it in class and devote more time to things that are relevant to the Jewish world to help us all better understand the customs, as the class is essentially about the people. The High Holidays go through October 2nd, so there are still a couple more weeks of intensive but amazing holidays. I'll probably post about it! I'm so tired so peace!
This means Happy New Year...I thought it might be nice to mention that it is the Jewish New year this weekend. We've just enetered the year 5770! How crazy is that! So Rosh Hashanah started Friday night and goes through Sunday because of the way the new day begins at sundown in Judaism. I attented services last night for the first night, and that was pretty cool. I think it would be interesting and fun to talk more about it in class and devote more time to things that are relevant to the Jewish world to help us all better understand the customs, as the class is essentially about the people. The High Holidays go through October 2nd, so there are still a couple more weeks of intensive but amazing holidays. I'll probably post about it! I'm so tired so peace!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Those power points are going grea. I liked the one that Mireya did it seemed very easy. It wasnt as hard as ours. We are almost done with notes for chapter one. Cant wait till we go on to chapter 2. I am having a problme not able to find the Ghetto Diary. But that report seems easier than anything else. I cant wait to leanr about the Holocaust to actually have more information on it.
I am glada those papers are a relief and we are done using them. Also i wasreading over chapter one and there is alot we had gone over. I am a bit confused who called the Jews the Christ-killers. Also i tought it was Martin luther who liked the Jews. But i guess it was Martin luther who hated the Jews. He said they were always money hungry.
I have gone to so many stores to fine the book but they all say it is soldout or they don't carry that! I don't know what I will do about it but I guess I'll get it done! I have tried the library but they said they cancelled our order...why I don't know! Well I will have a lot of work to do because of English class as well. I wonder if this is like a challenge! Learning the first war was a great review because i like forgot so many things! Ohh wait don't tell Jamieson... I remember so many things when we were doing the notes. Martin Luther is one that I never forget...for some odd reason anyway I have to relax this weekend after the stress of the paper and powerpoint.
Ugh I'm super happy to be done with those papers! I felt like so much stressed was taken away from my mind. I felt like I didn't have to worry about them but now I have to worry about my grade!! Well I like how we review the chapter after we read it. I don't like the quiz before because I don't know what to study! Well I guess we just have to picture the quiz to know what to study. I guess the powerpoint was also a great amount of stress I lost! I have been wanting to go and present and get over the whole thing, but NO Ingram wants to make us suffer!
<3 U Ingram!
<3 U Ingram!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Turning in the papers was a relief. It took away a lot of stressed. Turning in the powerpints was also a relief. I just want to get it over with already and present my powerpoint. Today's class was interesting. It's crazy how Hitler enforced all these ridiculous laws. I was surprised that countries, Spain, especially kicked the Jews out of their country. All these laws are ridiculous, in my opinion. Imagine how the Jews must have felt. Ugh it upsets me!
Thank God it's Friday!!! Today was an okay day in class, I could tell some people were tired. I know I was, but as long as we didn't go to sleep it was okay. All I have to do now is get my "Ghetto Diaries" book and do the paper....The presentations were great, I hope everyone that didn't go today will do great next week!
It's Friday we have no homework well except for blogs. I just need to start the book the ghetto diary and write the paper is not that stressing like the research paper. Today in class I was so sleepy though the notes were interesting but I didn't had enough of sleep last night.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Finally! The Holocaust paper is over and done with. Im so happy:). Im actually looking forward to our reading assignment. I started reading it and so far so good. Oh and I was really impressed with the peoples powerpoints they were all really interesting. I havent chosen one that has been my favorite because they were all pretty good
I'm so happy that the Holocaust paper is done I just need to do The Ghetto Diary paper. Today there was 3 presentations and I think is better that way to finish with the power points. It was sad that Ms. Ingram was only there for 20 min. Well can't wait for friday to rest because this week was rough.
class today!!!
Today I presented my presentation on Rienhard Heydrich. Erica C. and Mia presented thier heroes, and we had a good day. I forgot to edit my paper again though, so Ms. Ingram, please don't get offended.
Good Evening
Good Evening Everyone! today was a decent day in class, I learned something new I thought the Nazis and Klu Klux Klan were affiliated, but I guess they aren't! I would also like to say everyone that did their presentations today did a great job, and I hope everyone did great on their papers also!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday's learning process
We took notes...those glorious notes that Ms. Ingram tortures us with. We learned about two Holocaust heroes.
Tuesday's class seem to take for ever. Not because it was so long. But because it seem for ever to begin. First of all we couldn't get all the power points onto one laptop. Finally we got them all together. I felt so relief that day because I finally got my presentation over with. Now I can just sit back and relax to listen to the rest of the presentations. Good luck to the rest of the girls that still need to go.
I could've sworn I posted on here last night but now that I think about it I was talking about this class on my computer class blog. Anyway, this week has been interesting, in a good way. I'm glad to be moving on from WWI. It has been difficult looking through the book though because the pictures in it make me cry. The other thing that has really struck me is the things that are in the book talking about the horrible things Martin Luther said about the Jews. I know we spoke about this brifely in class, and how Martin Luther's comments were more abstract than the comments that came later by the skinheads right before the Holocaust. But they those words were still INCREDIBLY hurtful. I'm not saying what those things are because I think everyone knows(if not it's like on the 1st page). But they feel like a personal attack and the pictures, even though they are old, make it feel like it is happening right now because they are all so raw and heartbreaking. On a better note, all of the presentations have been really good and I can't wait to go and do mine.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Today's class..well it could have been better. I expected us to go through the powerpoint Ingram gave us. We didn't even do much. Getting the powerpoints into Ingram's laptop was a drag. It took a lot of our time. So far the powerpoints have gone well. They give me ideas on how I will present mine. Doing the powerpoint before the actual paper is better because I know the information and makes it easier.
Today the class went fast. The good thing is that we didn't have to listen to a lot of notes, although they sounded interesting but i just didn't feel like taking notes. I haven't finished my research paper and I'm really stress. Well thats about it because we just did 2 power points and 2 slice of notes.
Class this week was good. I am glad I did my presentation already even tought it was kind of nerve racking but I did It. Also I was reading on sunday night on the chapter 1. It seemed like we knew most of the stuff from the reading. Martin luther shows he really hated the Jews.My question is why did he hate the jews so much. Ughh Ms.Ingram gave us our other project seems like it will be easier.The vocabulary was kinda hard. Also good luck to all the other people that will be doing presentations. They are all pretty good by the way. See everyone on Thursday =]
Monday, September 14, 2009
Todays class okay. I messed up on the quiz though. I read, but during the quiz my mind went blanked; I wasn't focused. Good thing Ingram gave us til Thursday to do the paper. I really need the time! Good thing we have Wednesday off too! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's class. We are actually starting off with the Holocaust....yay!! I finally started reading The Ghetto Diary. =)..Well until next time..Good night!
What can I say about todays class. It seem party introtesting. The two people who did their power point did a good job. They had different people. But not only that they seem to present their power points in different ways. I really enjoy their power points. At least they got theirs over with. Can't waite to see who goes on tomorrow.
Feeling Lucky;)
I'm so happy that I did my power point today. In a way I think is nice to go first so i can get over it, but in another case I wasn't ready. I don't think I did good in my quiz. It was hard to memorize the story, but it was interesting but hard to remember. Can't wait to see who is going to present their power points ;).
Oh gosh!
Another Blury day, another blury lesson. I do remember the test and Alma's power point. I failed it, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm gonna try harder next time. Can't wait to do my presentation.
am tired i did the powerpoint its weird i didnt give up am shocked in myself. dont want to go tomorrow to school just want to stay home and sleep. icant belive i did all three blogs but yea am finna go to bed yo
Sunday, September 13, 2009
i havent gave up yet am still trying. dont really know what to say but yea am almost finish with this powerpoint this is so annoying but i got to do it
It has been done
Ladies and ladies, I have finished my Holocaust project. I'm scared it won't be good enough though. That's one of my greatest fears academically this year. Ms. Ingram, I'm ready. Go backwards please.
I really kind of liked what we talked about last week in class. I thought it to be really unfair that Germany had to take blame for the war when they didnt actually start it. I think the punishment should be given to the actually started it. I guess the thing about the past is you can't change what has already happened.
Okay I just finished reading chapter 1. A lot of the it was just a basic summary but there were a few interesting things i didn't know. for example it said that in some villages it was a custom to stone Jews during the Holy Week before Easter. Also Ive heard a lot about that book Hitler wrote "my struggle" but it was funny to know that not a lot of people bothered to even read it:D. Well I'm going to sleep now. :0
Just Finished Reading!
Hi Ladies!
I just finished reading your blogs--not too bad! :)
I'm worried--there are 7 of you who have 1 or less blogs at this point! Hope you get to it still this evening!!!!!
This week we will begin your powerpoint presentations on your Heroes/Villains. I can't wait to see what you've done! I'm expecting good stuff, ladies!!!! We will also be starting Chapter 1 The Roots--my powerpoint for the chapter is finally finished--all 20 slides of it! :)
Well, time for me to start wrapping up for the night! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!! Love ya!
I just finished reading your blogs--not too bad! :)
I'm worried--there are 7 of you who have 1 or less blogs at this point! Hope you get to it still this evening!!!!!
This week we will begin your powerpoint presentations on your Heroes/Villains. I can't wait to see what you've done! I'm expecting good stuff, ladies!!!! We will also be starting Chapter 1 The Roots--my powerpoint for the chapter is finally finished--all 20 slides of it! :)
Well, time for me to start wrapping up for the night! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!! Love ya!
i dont know what made ingram give us till thurs for our papers
but whatever it was thank god!
i was sleeping and all of a sudden all these claps and screams wake me up
i was like o jeeze whats going on
but yeah im like real glad she did that =)
but whatever it was thank god!
i was sleeping and all of a sudden all these claps and screams wake me up
i was like o jeeze whats going on
but yeah im like real glad she did that =)
Last blog and I don't really know what to say.
I'm going to try here.
So I'm really tired from working on this paper and powerpoint, but I', not complaining.
It took me two hours to finish my powerpoint all I need is some pictures and send it to Ingram.
Problem is I can't find my USB port thingy.
I'm stuck and in trouble if I don't find it ASAP.
Hopefully I do.
I'm going to try here.
So I'm really tired from working on this paper and powerpoint, but I', not complaining.
It took me two hours to finish my powerpoint all I need is some pictures and send it to Ingram.
Problem is I can't find my USB port thingy.
I'm stuck and in trouble if I don't find it ASAP.
Hopefully I do.
So I'm listening to music to help me, but I'm kinda stuck.
I hope these are on time =].
Ingram was nice enough to give us until Thursday to turn in our papers.
Thank you Ingram.!
Well this book paper or pointpoint thingy is the only thing really left on my agenda for this class.
Adidos amigas.!
I hope these are on time =].
Ingram was nice enough to give us until Thursday to turn in our papers.
Thank you Ingram.!
Well this book paper or pointpoint thingy is the only thing really left on my agenda for this class.
Adidos amigas.!
Well for starters I'm done with my powerpoint, considering it's due Monday.
I'm trying to finish my paper though. That's a work in progress.
Calass was great. It took us forever to finish those notes though.
Now we get to use the book =]
Looking forward to manana.
I'm trying to finish my paper though. That's a work in progress.
Calass was great. It took us forever to finish those notes though.
Now we get to use the book =]
Looking forward to manana.
Presentations!! D:
I'm almost done with my power point :D
Hopefully it's long enough, I'm scared my time might be too short :/
But I'm putting lots and lots of pictures and trying to squeeze all the knowledge I have in my brain about Rudolf Hess onto my power point :]
Hopefully it's long enough, I'm scared my time might be too short :/
But I'm putting lots and lots of pictures and trying to squeeze all the knowledge I have in my brain about Rudolf Hess onto my power point :]
I'm sitting here trying to finish up this power point but the pictures are looking ugly! While I was researching I found out that Heinrich Himmler almost made the most hated man in the world. I found out that he was a really bad guy. He had no heart, he created the first concentration camp and the largest camp! I think that if I were alive back then I would want to kill him myself!! But I guess people feared him for many reasons! Ugh this man is horrible.....I hate having to do my paper on him!!
Friday 11
I was worry about how I was going to do my power point but, Thanx Ms. Ingram that you let me know and come on Saturday. I guess I took something away that was scaring me. As now the paper I don't know how to start of. I got everything all brainstorm but, nothing comes on mind to get started. I hope i do well on my paper as well my powerpoint. I think I learned more about my villain than how I was taught. Something that is on my mind about him that he was the hated one. and the meanest one ever.
Thursday 10
Omg! everything that has to be about Holocaust got me traumatized. Oh well I would handle surviving in the class. I had two weeks finding the book "Ghetto Diary" I when online to order the book from a library and nothing. My last thing to do was go to a bookstore and I did.I went to borders and they don't have it just online to order. I went to Barnes and nobles and has to be by the upcoming week. So I hope I finish the reading fast before the 30th.
Tuesday 08 and Wednesday 09
Taking notes was the best. I guess that way we didn't have to write a lot. During this whole process but, I am glad we are done with World War I. The paper we had to read on Wednesday I didn't understand much. How I could I took notes on that. Almost done researching on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
WWI is over!...again :]
So were finally done with WWI, and what a relief lol
Now we can get a move on on the good stuff ;]
WWII here we come!
I think the thing that weirded me out the most of WWI was that the king/queen of France, Germany and Britain were all cousins.
How does that happen?
Did thier rich parents just say "Hey we got you a country for your 18th birthday, take care of it" or what?
Now we can get a move on on the good stuff ;]
WWII here we come!
I think the thing that weirded me out the most of WWI was that the king/queen of France, Germany and Britain were all cousins.
How does that happen?
Did thier rich parents just say "Hey we got you a country for your 18th birthday, take care of it" or what?
Frieday's class went very well. We finally got to finish WWI. I'm so excited to move on to the next thing. Although I think it was nessary to go over WWI becuase I had forgotten many things. I did get to learn new things too. But thank God that Ms. Ingrem gave us extra days to work on our projects. Hopefully everyone has a power point on Monday so that class can go much faster. Well have a great weekend guys.
This week
I am super happy that Ingram gave us extra days. I'm working on my power point presentation. This week we finished World War I! I am happy that I found out interesting information on my Villain I didn't know he was the one to be in charge of some concentration camps. I think that this project will teach me to value my life. When I was doing my research I was sickened when I saw the pictures. I hope that this project doesn't bring down my grade!!
End of WWI
We are finally done with WWI! WWI resulted in millions of deaths and millions of injuries. The war lead to shortage of food and economic problems. Austria-Hungary was split into two counties: Austria and Hungary. Other countries also formed like Yuogoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Extremism became a big issue. There was a rise of extremism in Italy, Russia, Japan, Germany, and the U.S.The U.S. decided to ostrasize itself from all the other countries. The Great Depression took place, so the U.S. decided to take care of their own issues before they helped other countries. They didn't want to give away money they didn't have, since the stock market crashed. Now that we are done withh WWI, I'm looking forword to the Holocaust and WWII.
Last Thursday was also familiar to what I learned in World History, but some things were also new. I knew about the Paris Peace Conference and that Germany and their allies were not a part of the meeting. The Treaty of Versailles was also very familiar. I knew that Germany had to pay reparations, give up land, be under international control, and was blame for WWI. Wilson's " Fourteen Points" and the League of Nations was also familiar. The Fourteen Points was a plan for a " peace without victory". It said that there shouldn't be anymore secret alliances, wanted more colonies, wanted to form the League of Nations, and establish Poland. The League of Nations was part of the Treaty of Versailles. It said that it wanted to come together and talk about the issues so war won't take place. The U.S. rejects the treaty and doesn't join the League.
I haven't had a chance to blog because of some things. Anyways, last weeks classes went well. I learned that there were men and women spies. If they were caught and found guilty, they were easily killed. The weapons and submarines that were used for WWI are familiar. The poisonous gases were also familiar. The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram between the Germans and the Mexicans. It was saying for them two countries to be allies and go against the U.S. Unfortunately, the British got hold of the telegram, interpret it, and made it public. This outrage the U.S. and they entered the war on April 6, 1917.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The War Is Over
The class today was great . I leaned that at the end of the war the German was the one who had to pay the most at. Even though it was not the there war. They was there just stepping in to help they was the ones that had to pay the debt . They lost the most solders out of all of them. The Germans had to pay a debt 5 million dollars so that they can rebuild for all of the damages . Which in my eye was a little unfair .
Thank you Ms.Ingram....
well I am glad we Finished World War 1 the notes went buy very easy and quick. Well It is crazy how a lot of people died. Also i cant believe people were wounded that is very sad. The hyperinflantation was a different story it was very rude i cant believe it was expensive. In a way i cant believe that a loaf of bread would be like 100 dollars. Well i am going to finish my power point.
well I am glad we Finished World War 1 the notes went buy very easy and quick. Well It is crazy how a lot of people died. Also i cant believe people were wounded that is very sad. The hyperinflantation was a different story it was very rude i cant believe it was expensive. In a way i cant believe that a loaf of bread would be like 100 dollars. Well i am going to finish my power point.
Finally blogging!!!
Thursday, was a good day in Holocaust, Ms.Ingram came back, we're almost done with WWI and can't wait until we finish the notes today. I think WWI is a little bit boring but when it comes to WWII it is so fun and interesting to learn. Right now I don't like Holocaust because we have to do our Hero/Villain project. Anyway can't wait to finish the notes and with WWI. By the way i hope Ms. Ingram will give us two more days because is a lot of work.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I'm SO excited that we are almost done with WWI!! But I'm starting to understand why it's so important to understanding the Holocaust. I could definitely see how as we get deeper into the details of the Holocaust, I might just not understand how Hitler could even take power. But we are learning that the reason Hitler was able to take power in Germany was because the country was so broken down and in shambles after the war and his initial platform was to restore Germany and its pride and everything else. I think that is important to know because it is mind blowing to wonder how he even took power in the first place. He was just an insidious jerk. He went into power under a guise and once he had the love and support of the people because he brainwashed them, it was easy for him to convince the people of all other things he wanted done, like exterminating the Jews. So I appreciate the background knowledge--excited to move on and learn more!!
Well class today was better than yeasterday's. Am glad we are almost finished with the power point on World War 1. I already knew most of teh stuff from the power point. The one thing i learned was the five things that we had to write down. I cant believe they had to pay billions. I am also doing my paper. I cant wait till we finish notes and i am amazed that we have all been surviving. One thing that intrested me was when we were spaeking about the fourteen points. Also about woodrow wilson.
omg was class boring yesterday or what!?
well since Ingram was absent, we practically didn't do much
we had Mr. Shelton oh jeeze!yeah that didnt go so well we just read a long paper
and had to take notes on that
doesnt sound so fun or interesting i pretty much had my head down most of the time
and yes i actually missed Ingram lol
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I read about Jews abandoning their Yiddish language for other languages. From 1919-1939 there was savageness towards the Jews and later this turned into Hitler's final solution to kill Jews.
Class Today={
Today class was so boring . I cant stand having a sub the class is never the same . I miss doing work like for real i didn't understand the paper that we had to read today . Real work is so much better . can not weight till the real teacher come back . until next time ttyl......
Yesterday !!!!
I learned something new yesterday . We started to go over the power point and we talked about the women and men spy's. But we mostly talked about the women spy's . Well any who we talked about they were sent to virus places to get information about what different groups was doing. We talked about two different women spy's one women spy used what she had to get what she wanted. And the other spy just stole all the information she wanted or needed. Being a spy was very risky if you got caught they would put you on trail and got all the information they can from you then killed you.
Ms. Ingram!!
Holocaust today was veryyy quiet. Or not quiet enough! [jk]
Mr. Shelton made us work quietly and I was in a hyper mood. :[
It was hard to keep my eyes on my paper because I wanted to keep looking around and see what everyone else was doing or to see who else was bored like me.
But, Mr.Shelton told me to be quiet :/
We missed you today Ms. Ingram ];
Mr. Shelton made us work quietly and I was in a hyper mood. :[
It was hard to keep my eyes on my paper because I wanted to keep looking around and see what everyone else was doing or to see who else was bored like me.
But, Mr.Shelton told me to be quiet :/
We missed you today Ms. Ingram ];
Today's class was a bit boring. It was so quite. I had a hard time understanding the paper we had to read. I missed taking notes from Ms. Igram. That way she was explaing and telling us the main points of the paper. Even though people think there a lot I think class goes by much quiker.
Anyways I hope I took the notes on the right things. And we really missed you Ms. Igram.
Anyways I hope I took the notes on the right things. And we really missed you Ms. Igram.
Class this week has been good. I started to do my paper and i feel it's a bit hard. My hero was the one who killed Hitler. Today we learned that the Jews ended up going to some good states school. Many people started to talk many different languages. Am excited for us to finish the Power Point on World War. Ingram we missed you.
Today's class was very long and boring. I didn't undestand much of what I was reading today. I have to read it tonight outloud to my self! I did write down what I understood as notes. This paper is turning out to be harder than I thought!! I think I have enough information but I am confuse. The power point will be hard. Do we use information from the paper to just sumerize on the power point? Well I should get started on this.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
September 8, 2009
Today we went over the powwer point today. I learned about Mata Hari and her ways to get info from the people she slept with. I also learned about Edith Cavell and how she stole info by stealing important papers.
Well, class today was way better. It seems that we're almost done with the WWI notes. I'm really trying to look up all my information for the project. That way I only have to worry about typing. But it does seem like a lot of work because we can't turn anything in late. I guess in a way its a good thing. At least now we have one less research paper to worry about.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Just Finished Checking!
Evening Ladies!!!
I just finished reading all the blogs. Pretty good work. Unfortunately, 4 of you either did not post blogs at all or turned them in too late. You HAVE to do this part of the class.
See you in class tomorrow!!! I will be out Wednesday for a funeral.
I just finished reading all the blogs. Pretty good work. Unfortunately, 4 of you either did not post blogs at all or turned them in too late. You HAVE to do this part of the class.
See you in class tomorrow!!! I will be out Wednesday for a funeral.
last one
soo for that paper I have Oskar Schindler.
very interesting man I'm researching.
looking forward to see what the paper will look like because with all this research i look a hot mess at night.
Ingram was nice to give us printed pages of notes.thank goodness.
Idk how people did it before but man that class is tiring.
I totally texted Ingram over the weekend =]
see I even worked on my homework while visting my sister in Indiana.
snapped er wahh.?
very interesting man I'm researching.
looking forward to see what the paper will look like because with all this research i look a hot mess at night.
Ingram was nice to give us printed pages of notes.thank goodness.
Idk how people did it before but man that class is tiring.
I totally texted Ingram over the weekend =]
see I even worked on my homework while visting my sister in Indiana.
snapped er wahh.?
I realize that I'm doing these backwards but thats how i remember everything.
I was working on my project that i didn't even watch the movie. oops
I wasn't too worried about my grade but glad that I'm passing.!
yeee buddy.!
well my paper is going great so far. I'm trying my best to finish it ASAP but it takes time.
Ingram you're gonna make me go crazy with all this work.
I will do my best though.
I was working on my project that i didn't even watch the movie. oops
I wasn't too worried about my grade but glad that I'm passing.!
yeee buddy.!
well my paper is going great so far. I'm trying my best to finish it ASAP but it takes time.
Ingram you're gonna make me go crazy with all this work.
I will do my best though.
well for starters happy labor day.!
now Ingram that paper is coming along quite fine. the book is something i have to work on.
well class is fun as usual. I hope to see Erica fall asleep one day.
it was sad not having class on Thursday Ingram. I missed it.
well thats it for now.adidos
now Ingram that paper is coming along quite fine. the book is something i have to work on.
well class is fun as usual. I hope to see Erica fall asleep one day.
it was sad not having class on Thursday Ingram. I missed it.
well thats it for now.adidos
So Frieday was okay. All we really had to do was pay attention to the video. Which was a good thing because I really didn't feel like doing much work. I'm also glad that it's over becuase I didn't really understand what they were saying at some of the the things they said. Hopefuly Tuesday is better. As for Monday enjoy your day off.
My villain is Adolph Eichmann. Ms Ingram I search him but when I type It with PH it gives me F for the name of Eichmann. The cruel man ever. I search him already on the web and I copy something so real.
It's said;
One of the most feared and hated Nazi leaders, Adolf Eichmann was reponsible for the deaths of millions of jews during World War II.
I'll try my best to do well on this project that I started to search but, I don't know how to start off in my paper. Ms. Ingram I forgot how to powerpoint. Can you help me on Tuesday.
It's said;
One of the most feared and hated Nazi leaders, Adolf Eichmann was reponsible for the deaths of millions of jews during World War II.
I'll try my best to do well on this project that I started to search but, I don't know how to start off in my paper. Ms. Ingram I forgot how to powerpoint. Can you help me on Tuesday.
Friday 4
Finally the movie is over.
I was so worried about my grade that I actually didn't PAY ATTENTION to the movie.
Thank god I don't have to stay for AA.
I will try to do way better.
I was so worried about my grade that I actually didn't PAY ATTENTION to the movie.
Thank god I don't have to stay for AA.
I will try to do way better.
Thursday 3
Awwww :[
So sad we didn't have Holocaust.
They save us from taking notes.
So sad that father Andy left. :[
But, nobody will replace him. On his great humor.
So sad we didn't have Holocaust.
They save us from taking notes.
So sad that father Andy left. :[
But, nobody will replace him. On his great humor.
Happy B-day 2 Me!!!!
I really don't have anything to talk about, i am going to have to think of something.i really love this class it is so cool i hope to learn more interesting things,and hope to do more great projects
Tuesday01, Wednesday02
I like the way we take notes you were reading them and we just add information to the paper. Thats a good help but, Ms. Ingram you go to fast. Omg!!! but more notes. Ms Ingram you like to see us suffering.
Happy B-day 2 Me!!!!
Ok, Holocaust! is like my favorite class right now. It is so interesting, right now we are talking about no mans land and how no man would dare go up there because they wouldn't return. we talked about how when Christmas time came around they would come up and sing x-mas songs and share their food with one another.Others didn't like that,they didn't like the fact that they were doing that because they should have been fighting instead of sing.
Oh, I thought of a comment! I really wish we could get done with World War I. I mean I get that it's important to understanding the Holocaust but I don't know if I feel that we have to go through every detail of that war. We learned this with Ms. Jamieson already! No offense Ms. Ingram! I just really want to move on to more interesting material because I've never found WWI to be interesting in the least. It just bores me. Maybe that's bad but oh well. But I really appreciate the fact that Ms. Ingram bought that Powerpoint for us to learn about it, I think that was sweet, even if she doesn't want to admit to being sweet! lol. Oh and Friday when we watched that video and all of the Israelis were singing welcoming the Russians to Israel, I could NOT get the song out of my head the entire day! Which was fine because it's a cute song (Siman Tov) so I sang it to my friends at lunch. That was fun :)
I'm also very happy to have gotten an A in this class!! I'm a little confused because I don't have much to blog on this week because we sadly missed this class so much. There was always something going on at the same time so that was annoying because I'm really excited to get more into everything. Excited for the coming week!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Notes Notes Notes!
We take a lot of notes.
I think we're all going to have arthritis by the time we leave this class!
lol jk jk but yea the notes are pretty intense but there all good we get to learn way more about what really happened..
but man the documentary's are cool but there sooo confusing because some of the people have thick accents so i cant really understand what they say.. =/ so the whole time im kind of confused.
but im glad i got an A in Holocaust!
yay me. =]
our class progect thats due next week!!
AHHH!! man this progect is gonna be kind of hectic but i think its cool in a way because we get to learn about new people and what they did in the Holocaust.
im excited the guy im writing about seems pretty cool he's a famous writer and he's a hero so i think thats pretty awesome..
While watching the documentary on Friday i saw how when Hitler would make an appearance the crowd would go crazy for him. It was weird to see such an evil man being supported by even children. Im curious to know if there were any Germans that didn't agree with what Hitler was doing and if so were those people punished?
Hello to Everyone hope everyone is having a good weekend. On friday night i was reading over my power point notes and i learned that the us entered the war on april 6. I never knew that Russia had had withdraw from the war. I remember that the Arabs were involve but i never knew they reunited with each other. On November 11 they had a temporary agreement to stop the war. I am glad we finished the documentary on friday. I also learned that the person i am learning about is a bit hard.
I learned a lot about the Holocaust i thought they just took them a few week to get ride of the Jews . But that's not the case it took them years before they really decide they wanted to get of the Jews out of there community . The German took every train that they had in Europe to send them to the the ghettos were they striped them from everything that they had and start to kill them of 1,000s at a time. the Nazis were the most meanest people that lived they. And its all because the Jews didn't have the same religion as them.
I was impressed with my grade! I thought that I was failing and I wasn't. I hope that this hero/villain project doesn't bring my grade down! The documentary we just finished was boring but I found interesting information about the Jews. I still don't agree with how they were treated! I can't wait to be done with World War II. I was explaining to my cousin about the movie and we got into a discussion about who is responsible for the death of Jesus. I felt smart explaining about the whole thing that we talked about in class.
Well I hope it gets more interesting this week.
Well I hope it gets more interesting this week.
Really shocked about my grad and what i got in Holocaust i thought that i was going to get a different grad. But i got higher then i thought i got a A. I'm really happy about it . Well i learned a lot about how they started to get ride of the Jews one country at a time. The Germans first started to they started to take them 0ut of there home . They blacked ball there jobs work and there businesses . Some Jews saw that it was getting bad and they left . Some of them took the first flight . Which was a very good idea and chose that they made.
I was really surprised about the grade that I got. I thought that I was at least at a C but I am glad i got a B+. I hope to keep up my grade for this class. I really enjoyed learning about the war and about Francis Ferdinand. It was very terrible how he died and how those three people planned to kill him.
I was really happy about my grade in Holocaust:). I hope to keep it up. Im also glad we're done with The Longest Hatred it wasn't the most interesting. I was really worried at first because i wasn't finding much info for my hero/villain project but this weekend i found some pretty interesting stuff.
this week
woooo! yes! we have a 3day weekend again thats sweet!
and we also had our mini progress report, which i was happy about my results
no damn AA for me! first time im not in AA phew!
and thats good we didnt do no notes on friday because i was lazy that day and ughh detention sucked! ingram almost locked the doors with me still inside
and we also had our mini progress report, which i was happy about my results
no damn AA for me! first time im not in AA phew!
and thats good we didnt do no notes on friday because i was lazy that day and ughh detention sucked! ingram almost locked the doors with me still inside
Holocaust 9/4/09
So we got our mini grades on Friday, I'm super happy. Though it was the only A I got, I am proud of myself. I feel Like I worked hard and I did. especially for a class like The Ingram. =]
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Monday Aug 31
Sorry!! I couldn't blog when I had it to but, I didn't have a chance to get on the blogger thing. Any who Monday we watched a movie; I think I was taking notes about it so I don't forget. Martin Luther being the only one to place the Christianity the strongest Jews,and as they have there tradition. It's horrible how the death people are on top of each other. Sad that the cemetery was empty and nobody was buried there.
Friday, September 4, 2009
:) Some what of this week.
This week was pretty easy! I think that movie was boring but in a way interesting. I think I learned more details about the descrimination and the killing of the Jews. I think that the project would be hard. I have started my research and my reading. Well reading the stuff I printed! I think writing the paper is going to be hard I hope that I get through it fine!
I love my grade for progress reports even if they are "mini" ones!
I love my grade for progress reports even if they are "mini" ones!
Today we watched a documentary about what had happened back then. We have also been taking notes down on the World War 1. In the 1870 the french and germans had fought. The germans won the fight. Back then in the 1900 there were lots of factories. People in austria couldnt get along. The reason there was a War was because of the assasination of archduke. Also everyone wanted their own identity and that also started some conflict. There were two seperate groups with the alliances. The triple Entente and Triple alliances.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
:( Disappointed
Very up set that one of my favorite classes keep getting miss but cant weight to go tomorrow . cant weight to learn something new .
well Holocaust has been pretty decent overall the class papers are the only thing that im kind of scared about but im sure it'll be okay as long as i try my hardest!!
umm the last few classes have been pretty blah because were just goin over notes and stuff.
i can wait for sum more interesting stuff to come =]
i love you Ms.Ingram =]
Same as Andrea I missed two classes this week. It's hard to remember what we were talking about last or as I should say taking notes on. But even though we did't have class today I did enjoy mass today with father Andy. I like how everything he said can really relate to school work. I just hope that all of our Holocaust pragress reports are good. Hopfully we take in consideration what father Andy said not just for this class but for all.
Yesterday's class was okay, but I agree with everyone. People kept putting their head down. It almost made me want to do the same, but no that's rude. Learning about the long-term causes of the war were familiar. I was kind of surprised how blood family went against eachother. The trench warefare and the its life style was also very familiar. The Christmas Truce was something completely new to me. It was good how both rivals came together; unfortunately it didn't last.
I missed two classes this week and for some reason I feel like I've been gone forever. The last thing I remember was that we were taking notes and talking about these three different race royalties and how they were going to go to war with each other. But I don't remember names. I'm starting to work on my villian paper on Robert Hess. :]
Gilgamesh was part man who knew all things which was quiet amazing because how can a man know all things before they happen even wise ,saw mysteries and knows secret things he wrote on tablets the things he did thought out his life . Why was he created this way 2/3 god and 1/3 man ? I believe that the gods thought he had more power as a 2/3 god. When he was created by the gods he was made : perfect ,beauty, courage, and terrifying like a great wild bull.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today's Class
In class today, we talked about Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and that he and his wife were assassinated on June 28 in the year on 1914.The First attempt to kill Ferdinand was to bomb his car but it failed. The second time was the charm. When Ferdinand's car stopped after the bomb attempt a man Gavrilo Princip stood next to the car and shot both Ferdinand and wife. We talked about how Kaiser Wilhelm, Queen Victoria, and Tsar Nicholas were all first cousins. Soon Nicholas choose different races over his family, and Kaiser didn't understand that he didn't know why his onw flesh and blood would do him and queen Victoria that way.
class today...zzz
for some reason everybody kept falling asleep and putting
their heads down because i know
i was so falling asleep.
maybe because i missed class that day and i was kind of lost
on where they left off.
their heads down because i know
i was so falling asleep.
maybe because i missed class that day and i was kind of lost
on where they left off.
September 2, 2009
Aside from me falling asleep, class was groovy (yeah, I said it, wanna fight about it?). Anyway, I felt like I was having Deja Vu because I've learned the stuff already. At the same time I was happy to get my memory refreshed.
Today's class was okay. But everyone seemed to be falling asleep. It was hard trying to focus and not falling asleep. Although it was funny that Ms. Ingram tried to pour water on Erica or kick people's desk to keep them awake. I also agree with Taco. Hopfully that we finsh with all this war stuff and that everyone finishes with their papers on time.
Erica R.
Erica R.
Sept. 2
Class today was okay. WWI is taking a pretty long time and I just hope we get it over with soon so that we can get a move on with WWII and the Holocaust.
The Holocaust project is a hassle for me to start because once I finish my regular homework and i want to start my paper it's already late and I'm sleepy already :[
But I'm really trying to get it started so that I can get it over with already and that'll be one less monkey on my back.
The Holocaust project is a hassle for me to start because once I finish my regular homework and i want to start my paper it's already late and I'm sleepy already :[
But I'm really trying to get it started so that I can get it over with already and that'll be one less monkey on my back.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
In my opinion, I think the Ottoman Empire was weak. Okay, so they didn't know how to make their own decisions but, it's still weak to have another country decide for you. I mean you're your own country? that's like saying I still need my mom to make every decision for me. I'm almost grown and I can handle most things on my own; why couldn't the Ottomans do that?
Today's class was also great. I like how Ingram gave us the power point and we just have to jot down some inportant facts that she didn't put on it. It was good because I knew a lot of the answers. A lot of information that I've learned in World History is coming back now. This is very helpful and it's refeshing my mind on a lot of things. Good thing we didn't really take notes today.
Yesterday was a great day. Mostly because we hardly took notes. The documentary was interesting for the most part. Execpt, I didn't really like it when the people talked. Those parts bored me. The people had an accent, which made it somewhat difficult to understand. I was really bored when Hitler ordered the Nazi members to burn all the Jewish Bibles and other Jewish books.
Erica R.
Well, this is Erica R. To tell you the truth I was scared in the beginning to take this class. The first couple of days I didn't really know what was going on. But now that it has been almost two weeks I seem to be getting the hang of it. Learning about Holocust my sophmore year it seemed pretty introsting. This semester I hope to learn a lot more and getting to know my classmates.
Notes were ok!
Well today's notes were better. I like how Mia and I were answering all these questions right! I like the way we are taking notes because I feel like I can pay more attention to the lecture than writing down everything! This way seems like more of us pay attention, well in my opinion. I feel like this is just review from World History class. I guess I can now say that I do have a fun class my junior year! I thought this was going to be hard but it has been OKAY! Well no Ingram you should know it's hard so you can make it easier for us! ;).....Well hope it's better the rest of the week!
Hi , this is Cortney. Yesterday we watched the movie and it was very interesting. I think i like this class because I'm learning more about the Jews and how they were persecuted for their religion. I think this class is interesting because of how the Jews was mistreated and how they had to eat poop. LOL
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